Hinkle | Microsoft Office Word 2010: A Lesson Approach, Complete | Buch | 978-0-07-351929-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 912 Seiten, Format (B × H): 231 mm x 274 mm, Gewicht: 1796 g


Microsoft Office Word 2010: A Lesson Approach, Complete

Buch, Englisch, 912 Seiten, Format (B × H): 231 mm x 274 mm, Gewicht: 1796 g

ISBN: 978-0-07-351929-6

McGraw-Hill is proud to introduce the Hinkle et al., Office 2010: A Lesson Approach Series. Utilizing the author team of Deborah Hinkle, Kathleen Stewart, John Carter and Pat Graves from the former Professional Approach Series for Microsoft Office, this Office 2010: Lesson Approach series provides a fresh, clear, modular introduction of Microsoft Office 2010 skills. It’s "Learn by Doing" theme is incorporated in each lesson so students can experience hands-on learning throughout the entire text. Students first focus on the introductory skills that are isolated in each lesson and then complete individual skill exercises that ensure a clear learning path. The application case studies provide even more context to the student so they can better associate lesson goals and themes. This text also correlates with SimNet Online for Office 2010, our online training and assessment program, and also SimGrader, our online project grader component which contains a full project library including projects from this Lesson Approach Series and also projects from our other Microsoft Office 2010 textbook series. Together, SimNet and SimGrader provide the complete solution for today’s student learning Microsoft Office 2010.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Hinkle; Microsoft Office Word 2010: A Lesson Approach Unit 1 – Basic Skills Lesson 1: Creating a Document Lesson 2: Formatting Characters Lesson 3: Writing Tools Lesson 4: Formatting Paragraphs Unit 2 – Paragraph Formatting, Tabs, and Advanced Editing Lesson 5: Tabs and Tabbed Columns Lesson 6: Move and Copy Lesson 7: Find and Replace Unit 3 – Page Formatting Lesson 8: Margins and Print Options Lesson 9: Page and Section Breaks Lesson 10: Page Numbers, Headers, and Footers Lesson 11: Styles and Themes Lesson 12: Templates Unit 4 – Tables and Columns Lesson 13: Tables Lesson 14: Advanced Tables Lesson 15: Columns Unit 5 – Graphics and Charts Lesson 16: Graphics Lesson 17: Text Boxes Lesson 18: SmartArt and Charts Unit 6 – Advanced Topics Lesson 19: Mail Merge Lesson 20: Fields and Forms Lesson 21: Macros Unit 7 – Long Documents and Document Sharing Lesson 22: Footnotes Lesson 23: Outlines, Indexes, and Tables of Contents Lesson 24: Sharing Your Work and Hyperlinks

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