Hodgins | Violence among the Mentally III | Buch | 978-0-7923-6437-5 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Band 90, 416 Seiten, HC runder Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 816 g

Reihe: NATO Science Series D:


Violence among the Mentally III

Effective Treatments and Management Strategies

Buch, Englisch, Band 90, 416 Seiten, HC runder Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 816 g

Reihe: NATO Science Series D:

ISBN: 978-0-7923-6437-5
Verlag: Springer Netherlands

The NATO Advanced Study Institute on the Prevention of Crime and Violence Among the Mentally III was held in May 1999 in Tuscany, Italy. Participants from 15 countries attended. Since care for persons with mental illness (schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder, delusional disorder, atypical psychoses) has been deinstitutionalized, some persons with these disorders are committing crimes and serious violence. Consequently, societies around the world are confronted with a new challenge: to provide mental health care and social services to mentally ill persons in a humane way that will prevent illegal behaviours. Research in this field has been dominated by investigations designed to improve clinicians' accuracy in predicting violent behaviours, with little attention focused on the organization and implemen­ tation of treatments. The premise of the Advanced Study Institute was that treatments must have em­ pirically proven efficacy. Both professional ethics and public accountability require empirical evidence that each treatment will alleviate the problem that it targets. However, despite the fact that Western industrial societies provide treatment for mentally ill persons who have offended, there is a very limited base of knowledge on what constitutes effective treatment and how such treatments should be organized and delivered. The Advanced Study Institute was an attempt to stimulate and encour­ age research that will extend this knowledge base. The goals were to review what is known about mentally ill offenders and about effective treatments for them, and to provide a framework for the orientation of future investigations designed to improve treatment efficacy.
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Weitere Infos & Material

I. Violence by the Mentally Ill: Prevalence, Triggers, and Determinants.- Major Mental Disorders and Crime in the Community: A Focus on Patient Populations and Cohort Investigations.- Reducing Violence Risk: Diagnostically Based Clues from the MacArthur Violence Risk Assessment Study.- Immediate Precursors of Violence Among Persons with Mental Illness: A Return to a Situational Perspective.- Commentary: Monahan and Appelbaum, “Reducing Violence Risk: Diagnostically Based Clues from the MacArthur Violence Risk Assessment Study”; Steadman and Silver, “Immediate Precursors of Violence Among Persons with Mental Illness: A Return to a Situational Perspective”.- Etiological Factors Linked to Criminal Violence and Adult Mental Illness.- Commentary: Tehrani and Mednick, “Etiological Factors Linked to Criminal Violence and Adult Mental Illness”.- The Etiology and Development of Offending Among Persons with Major Mental Disorders: Conceptual and Methodological Issues and Some Preliminary Findings.- II. Assessment, Effective Treatment, and Management.- Capturing Change: An Approach to Managing Violence and Improving Mental Health.- Treatment Implications of the Antecedents of Criminality and Violence in Schizophrenia and Major Affective Disorders.- Pharmacological Intervention for Preventing Violence Among the Mentally Ill with Secondary Alcohol-and Drung-Use Disorders.- Pharmacological Interventions for Preventing Violence Among the Mentally Ill with Co-occurring Personality Disorders.- III. Preventing Violence in Hospitals.- Institutional Violence Among the Mentally Ill.- High-Risk Factors for Violence: Emerging Evidence and Its Relevance to Effective Treatment and Prevention of Violence on Psychiatric Wards.- Violence Against Others by Psychiatric HospitalInpatients with Psychosis: Prevention Strategies and Challenges to Their Evaluation.- Effective Treatment Strategies for Preventing Violence on Psychiatric Wards.- IV. Preventing Violence in Correctional Facilities.- Major Mental Disorder and Violence in Correctional Settings: Size, Specificity, and Implications for Practice.- Effective Treatment for Disturbed Violent Prisoners?.- V. Preventing Violence in the Community.- The Efficacy and Effectiveness of Community Treatment Programmes in Preventing Crime and Violence Among Those with Severe Mental Illness in the Community.- Commentary: Heilbrun and Peters, “The Efficacy and Effectiveness of Community Treatment Programmes in Preventing Crime and Violence Among Those with Severe Mental Illness in the Community”.- Social Services Necessary for Community Treatment Programmes Designed to Prevent Crime and Violence Among Persons with Major Mental Disorders.- Social and Community Services and the Risk for Violence Among People with Serious Psychiatric Disorders: In Search of Mechanisms.- Community Treatment Programmes in Europe and the United Kingdom That Have Proven Effective in Preventing Violence by the Mentally Ill in the Community: Administrative, Organizational, Legal, and Clinical Aspects.- Treatment of Mentally Ill Offenders in the Community: A Clinical Perspective.

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