Jackson | The Refugee Concept in Group Situations | Buch | 978-90-411-1228-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Band 3, 512 Seiten, GB, Gewicht: 1016 g

Reihe: Refugees and Human Rights


The Refugee Concept in Group Situations

Buch, Englisch, Band 3, 512 Seiten, GB, Gewicht: 1016 g

Reihe: Refugees and Human Rights

ISBN: 978-90-411-1228-6
Verlag: Wolters Kluwer

One of the great achievements of the present century has been the collective definition by the international community of a body of legal principles for the treatment of refugees. As the century draws to a close, however, the application of these principles is beset with increasing difficulties due to the magnitude and complexity of the refugee problem. Some of these difficulties arise when a refugee problem needs to be addressed in a group context, which is frequently the case in refugee situations resulting from violence, internal conflict and the widespread disregard of human rights.

The purpose of this book is to describe and analyze the techniques and mechanisms applied by the international community in dealing with group refugee situations during the period from 1921 to 1985, from about which time more restrictive perceptions of the refugee problem began to develop. The point of departure is that there is an essential difference in the approach adopted according to whether refugee character is determined individually or on a group basis.

A description is given of selected group refugee situations in Africa, Asia, Central America and Europe, from the standpoint of the applicability of the refugee definitions in the UNHCR Statute (1950) and the United Nations Refugee Convention (1951).

All royalties from The Refugee Concept in Group Situations are being donated to UNHCR.

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Weitere Infos & Material

  1. The Refugee Concept as Applied in Group Situations Prior to World War II in the Practice of the League of Nations
  2. The Applications of the Refugee Concept in Group Situations under the Constitution of the International Refugee Organization (IRO) (1947-1951)
  3. Development of the Refugee Definitions in the 1950 UNHCR Statute and in the 1951 Refugee Convention
  4. Conclusions Regarding the Development of the Refugee Definition 1921-1951
  5. Application of the Refugee Concept in Various Group Situations in the Period 1951-1961
  6. Application of the Refugee Concept in Group Situations in the Period 1961-1975
  7. `Special Operations' and Development of the `Externally Displaced Persons' Concept in the Period up to 1975
  8. Conclusions Regarding the Development of the Refugee Concept in Group Refugee Situations in the Period 1951-1975
  9. Application of the Refugee Concept in Various Group Situations in the Period 1975-1985
  10. Externally Displaced Persons: Development of the Concept After 1975
  11. Conclusion (No. 22 (XXXII) of the UNHCR Executive Committee on Protection of Asylum Seekers in Situations of Large-Scale Influx (Thirty-Second Session, 1981)
  12. Conclusions Regarding the Application of the Refugee Concept in Group Situations, 1975-1985
  13. General Conclusions: Past Practice as a Guide to Current Problems of Group Refugee Character
  14. Selected Bibliography

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