Jenniskens / Fonda / Rietmeijer | Leonid Storm Research | Buch | 978-0-7923-6738-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 606 Seiten, HC runder Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 1199 g

Jenniskens / Fonda / Rietmeijer

Leonid Storm Research

Buch, Englisch, 606 Seiten, HC runder Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 1199 g

ISBN: 978-0-7923-6738-3
Verlag: Springer Netherlands

This book will appeal to all researchers that have an interest in the current Leonid showers. It contains over forty research papers that present some of the first observational results of the November 1999 Leonid meteor storm, the first storm observed by modern observing techniques. The book is a first glimpse of the large amount of information obtained during NASA's Leonid Multi-Instrument Aircraft Campaign and groundbased campaigns throughout the world. It provides an excellent overview on the state of meteor shower research for any professional researcher or amateur meteor observer interested in studies of meteors and meteoroids and their relation to comets, the origin of life on Earth, the satellite impact hazard issue, and upper atmosphere studies of neutral atom chemistry, the formation of meteoric debris, persistent trains, airglow, noctilucent clouds, sprites and elves.
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Weitere Infos & Material

I: Introduction. The 1999 Leonid Multi-Instrument Aircraft Campaign - An Early Review; P. Jenniskens, et al. USAF Perspectives on Leonid Threat and Data Gathering Campaigns; M.H. Treu, et al. The Meteor Alert Center' (MALC) and its Application During the 1999 Leonid Shower; J. Zender, et al. Coordinated Observations of Leonids in Israel; N. Brosch. II: Astrobiology. Meteors: A Delivery Mechanism of Organic Matter to the Early Earth; P. Jenniskens, et al. Search for Organic Matter in Leonid Meteors; R.L. Rairden, P. Jenniskens. Observations of Leonid Meteors Using a Mid-Wave Infrared Imaging Spectrograph; G.S. Rossano, et al. Computation of Atmospheric Entry Flow About a Leonid Meteoroid; I.D. Boyd. Screening of Meteoroids by Ablation Vapor in High-Velocity Meteors; O.P. Popova, et al. Search for Extraterrestrial Origin of Atmospheric Trace Molecules - Radio Sub-MM Observations During the Leonids; D. Despois, et al. Organic Matter in Dust of Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner and the Draconid Meteors; N.N. Kiselev, et al. III: Comet Dust Trail: Meteoroid Stream Dynamics. Predicting the Strength of Leonid Outbursts; E.J. Lyytinen, T. Van Flandern. Global Ground-Based Electro-Optical and Radar Observations of the 1999 Leonid Shower: First Results; P. Brown, et al. Lorentz Shaped Comet Dust Trail Cross Section From New Hybrid Visual and Video Meteor Counting Technique-Implications for Future Leonid Storm Encounters; P. Jenniskens, et al. Comparing Meteor Number Fluxes from Ground-Based and Airplane-Based Video Observations; D. Koschny, J. Zender. Leonid Storm Flux Analysis from One Leonid Mac Video AL50R; P.S. Gural, P. Jenniskens. The Leonid Meteors and Space Shuttle Risk Assessment; J.F. Pawlowski, T.T. Hebert. Visual Observations of 1998 and 1999 Leonids in Israel; A. Mikishev, A. Levina. Observations of the Leonid Meteoroid Stream by a Multistation FS Radio System; G. Cevolani, et al. Precise Trajectories and Orbits of Meteoroids from the 1999 Leonid Meteor Storm; H. Betlem, et al. Photographic Leonids 1998 Observed at MODRA Observatory; J. Tóth, et al. Temporal Variation in the Orbital Element Distribution of the 1998 Leonid Outburst; M.C. de Lignie, et al. 1997 Leonid Shower From Space; P. Jenniskens, et al. IV: Meteoroid Composition and Ablation. From Comets to Meteors; J.M. Greenberg. Collected Extraterrestrial Materials: Constraints on Meteor and Fireball Composition; F.J.M. Rietmeijer, J.A. Nuth III. Comparison of 1998 and 1999 Leonid Light Curve Morphology and Meteoroid Structure; I.S. Murray, et al. First Results of High-Definition TV Spectroscopic Observations of the 1999 Leonid Meteor Shower; S. Abe, et al. Jet-Like Structures and Wake in MG (518 NM) Images of 1999 Leonid Storm Meteors; M.J. Taylor, et al. Ground-Based Leonid Imaging in the UV; E. Almoznino, J.M. Topaz. V: Meteor Afterglow and Persistent Trains. Time Resolved Spectroscopy of a Leonid Fireball Afterglow; J. Borovicka, P. Jenniskens. Feo `Orange Arc' Emission Detected in Optical Spectrum of Leonid Persistent Train; P. Jenniskens, et al. Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of Persistent Leonid Trains; R. Russell, et al. Buoyancy of the `Y2K' Persistent Train and the Trajectory of the 04:00:29 UT Leonid Fireball; P. Jenniskens, R.L. Rairden. The Dynamical Evolution of a Tubular Leonid Persistent Train; P. Jenniskens, et al. VI: Meteoroid Debris. Dust Particles in the Atmosphere During the Leonid Met

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