Joffe-Block / Sterling | Driving While Brown | Buch | 978-0-520-38980-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 432 Seiten, Trade Paperback, Format (B × H): 229 mm x 152 mm, Gewicht: 582 g

Joffe-Block / Sterling

Driving While Brown

Sheriff Joe Arpaio versus the Latino Resistance

Buch, Englisch, 432 Seiten, Trade Paperback, Format (B × H): 229 mm x 152 mm, Gewicht: 582 g

ISBN: 978-0-520-38980-9
Verlag: University of California Press

"A smart, well-documented book about a group of people determined to hold the powerful to account."—2021 NPR "Books We Love" 
"Journalism at its best."—2022 Southwest Books of the Year: Top Pick
A 2021 Immigration Book of the Year, Immigration Prof Blog
Investigative Reporters & Editors Book Award Finalist 2021How Latino activists brought down powerful Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio.Journalists Terry Greene Sterling and Jude Joffe-Block spent years chronicling the human consequences of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s relentless immigration enforcement in Maricopa County, Arizona. In Driving While Brown, they tell the tale of two opposing movements that redefined Arizona’s political landscape—the restrictionist cause advanced by Arpaio and the Latino-led resistance that rose up against it.The story follows Arpaio, his supporters, and his adversaries, including Lydia Guzman, who gathered evidence for a racial-profiling lawsuit that took surprising turns. Guzman joined a coalition determined to stop Arpaio, reform unconstitutional policing, and fight for Latino civil rights. Driving While Brown details Arpaio's transformation—from "America’s Toughest Sheriff," who forced inmates to wear pink underwear, into the nation’s most feared immigration enforcer who ended up receiving President Donald Trump’s first pardon. The authors immerse readers in the lives of people on both sides of the battle and uncover the deep roots of the Trump administration's immigration policies.The result of tireless investigative reporting, this powerful book provides critical insights into effective resistance to institutionalized racism and the community organizing that helped transform Arizona from a conservative stronghold into a battleground state.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Authors' Note
List of Selected People in This Book

Prologue: Lydia and the Sheriff (2017)

Part I Origins (1848–2006)
1 An Immigrant's Son (1923–1993)
2 The Valley Girl (1967–1997)
3 What Made Arizona Chicanos (1848–1983)
4 Restrictionism Takes Root (2003–2005)
5 Arpaio Transformed (2005–2006)

Part II Battles (2006–2016)
6 The Movement Rises Up (2006)
7 Hopes and Letdowns (2006–2007)
8 Cave Creek (2007)
9 Tensions at a Phoenix Furniture Store (2007)
10 Mayonnaise Tacos and Easter Baskets (2008)
11 Payback (2008–2009)
12 Drowning in a Glass of Water (2010)
13 Licking Their Chops (2009–2012)
14 Driving While Brown (2012)
15 Why Are You Trembling? (2012–2013)
16 "Ganamos!" (2013–2014)
17 Conspiracy Theories and Videos (2013–2015)
18 "Build the Wall!" (2015–2016)
19 Bazta Arpaio (2016) 

Part III Changes (2016–2019)
20 The National Arpaio (2016–2017)
21 The Rescue (2017) 265
22 I Don’t Want It to Come Back (2017–2019)

Afterword (2020 and Beyond)

Appendix I. Selected Arizona Immigration Laws
Appendix II. Selected Federal Lawsuits
On Sources
List of Author Interviews
Bibliography of Unpublished Sources

Terry Greene Sterling is affiliated faculty and writer-in-residence at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism at Arizona State University. She is the author of Illegal. Her writing has been published in the Washington Post, the Rolling Stone, Newsweek, the Atlantic, Slate, the Daily Beast, the Village Voice, High Country News, the Guardian, the Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting, and other publications. Greene Sterling is Editor-at-Large for the Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting.Jude Joffe-Block joined the Associated Press as a reporter and editor in 2020. Before that, she reported on immigration for more than a decade for outlets that include NPR, the Guardian, The World and Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting. She was a visiting journalist at the Russell Sage Foundation and a fellow with New America, the Center for the Future of Arizona, and the Logan Nonfiction Program while coauthoring this book. She began her journalism career in Mexico.

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