Kaiser | Become ITIL® 4 Foundation Certified in 7 Days | Buch | 978-1-4842-6360-0 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 453 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 721 g


Become ITIL® 4 Foundation Certified in 7 Days

Understand and Prepare for the ITIL Foundation Exam with Real-life Examples

Buch, Englisch, 453 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 721 g

ISBN: 978-1-4842-6360-0
Verlag: Apress

Use this guide book in its fully updated second edition to study for the ITIL 4 Foundation certification exam. Know the latest ITIL framework and DevOps concepts.
The book will take you through the new ITIL framework and nuances of the DevOps methodology. The book follows the topics included in the foundation certification exam syllabus and includes new sections on ITIL's guiding principles, service value chain, and the four dimensions of service management. Also included are the concepts, processes, and philosophies used in DevOps programs and projects. ITIL and DevOps concepts are explained with relevant examples.
By the time you finish this book, you will have a complete understanding of ITIL 4 and will be ready to take the ITIL 4 Foundation certification exam. You will know the DevOps methodology and how ITIL reinforces the philosophy of shared responsibility and collaboration. Over the course of a week, even while workingyour day job, you will be prepared to take the exam.

What You Will Learn - Know the basics of ITIL as you prepare for the ITIL Foundation certification exam
- Understand ITIL through examples
- Be aware of ITIL's relevance to DevOps and DevOps concepts

Who This Book Is For

Professionals from the IT services industry
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Weitere Infos & Material

Day 1.- Chapter 1: Introduction to the New ITIL.- Chapter 2: Brief Overview of DevOps.- Day 2.- Chapter 3: ITIL 101: Concepts and Core Foundation.- Chapter 4: Holistic Approach to Service Management: Four Dimensions.- Day 3.- Chapter 5A: Value Creation with Service Value System.- Chapter 5B: Influencing through Guiding Principles.- Chapter 6: ITIL's Management of Practices.- Day 4.- Chapter 7: Practices to Manage Stakeholders.- Chapter 8: Practices to Enable Service Support.- Chapter 9: Continual Improvement.- Day 5.- Chapter 10: Practices to Manage Operations.- Day 6.- Chapter 11: Practices to Manage Changes.- Chapter 12: Practices to Manage Releases.- Day 7.- Chapter 13: The Service Desk.- Chapter 14: Tips and Tricks for Taking the ITIL Exam.- Appendix A: Answers to Knowledge Checks.-

Abhinav Krishna Kaiser works as a senior manager at a top consulting firm. He consults with organizations to assess, define, and implement DevOps, Agile, and ITIL processes. Abhinav is an accredited ITIL trainer and has delivered numerous classroom trainings. He is a leading authority on the topics of DevOps, Agile, and ITIL. He lives in London, United Kingdom. He is an author and his latest book is Reinventing ITIL in the Age of DevOps (Apress).

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