Klabbers | An Introduction to International Organizations Law | Buch | 978-1-108-84220-4 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 422 Seiten, HC gerader Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 175 mm x 250 mm, Gewicht: 906 g


An Introduction to International Organizations Law

Buch, Englisch, 422 Seiten, HC gerader Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 175 mm x 250 mm, Gewicht: 906 g

ISBN: 978-1-108-84220-4
Verlag: Cambridge University Press

The fourth edition of this market-leading textbook offers students a clear framework for understanding the practice and logic of International Organizations Law. It is structured around the three defining relationships IOs engage in – namely, with their member states, with their organs and staff, and with the outside world. These different dynamics give rise to different concerns, which each help to explain the logic behind international institutional law. The text also discusses the essential topics of the law of IOs, including powers and finances, privileges and immunities, institutional structures, and accountability. By demonstrating how the theory works in practice, with recent examples, students will observe the impact and significance of International Organizations Law. Updated with the latest case law and literature, this new edition also contains discussions of the withdrawal of Israel and the US from UNESCO, Brexit, and the Covid-19 pandemic, and how these affect the law of international organizations.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Preface to the fourth edition; Table of cases; A note on documentation; List of abbreviations; 1. Introduction; 2. The rise of international organizations; Part I. Member States and International Organizations; 3. The legal position of international organizations; 4. International organizations and the law of treaties; 5. Issues of membership; 6. Financing; 7. Privileges and immunities; 8. Legal instruments; 9. Dissolution and succession; Part II. Internal Relations; 10. Institutional structures; 11. The bureaucracy; Part III. External Relations; 12. Treaty-making by international organizations; 13. Organizational liaisons; 14. Issues of responsibility; 15 Concluding remarks; Bibliography; Index.

Klabbers, Jan
Jan Klabbers has been teaching international law and the law of international organizations for more than two decades, and is currently Professor of International Law at the University of Helsinki. He has held visiting positions at, amongst others, New York University Law School; the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva; and the University of Paris. He has received several teaching awards, and the first three editions of this book have met with general acclaim.

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