Koslowski | Principles of Ethical Economy | Buch | 978-1-4020-0364-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Band 17, 283 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 452 g

Reihe: Issues in Business Ethics


Principles of Ethical Economy

Buch, Englisch, Band 17, 283 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 452 g

Reihe: Issues in Business Ethics

ISBN: 978-1-4020-0364-6
Verlag: Springer Netherlands

John Maynard Keynes wrote to his grandchildren more than fifty years ago about their economic possibilities, and thus about our own: "I see us free, there­ fore, to return to some of the most sure and certain principles of religion and traditional virtue - that avarice is a vice, that the exaction of usury is a misde­ meanour. We shall once more value ends above means and prefer the good to the useful" ("Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren," pp. 371-72). In the year 1930 Keynes regarded these prospects as realizable only after a time span ofone hundred years, ofwhich we have now achieved more than half. The pres­ ent book does not share Keynes's view that the possibility of an integration of ethics and economics is dependent exclusively on the state of economic devel­ opment, though this integration is certainly made easier by an advantageous total economic situation. The conditions of an economy that is becoming post­ of ethics, cultural industrial and post-modern are favorable for the unification theory, and economics. Economic development makes a new establishment of economic ethics and a theory ofethical economy necessary. Herdecke and Hanover, October 1987 P. K. TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword v Introduction. 0. 1. Ethical Economy and Political Economy. 0. 1. 1. Ethical Economy as Theory ofthe Ethical Presuppositions of the Economy and Economic Ethics 3 0. 1. 2.
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0.1. Ethical Economy and Political Economy.- 0.2. Why the Interest in Economic Ethics Today?.- 0.3. Overview of the Structure of the Book.- 0.4. Missing Mediation of Economics and Ethics in Modernity - Ethical Economy as Post-Modern Economics.- 1. Economics, Ethics, and Religion: Positive Theory of the Coordination of Self-Interested Actions.- 1.1. Internalization of Side Effects and Inclusion of Persons Affected as Criteria of Social Coordination.- 1.2. Private Vices - Public Benefits: The Good as Side Effect.- 1.3. Economic Failure.- 1.4. Ethics as Corrective for Economic Failure.- 1.5. Religion as Corrective for Ethical Failure.- 1.6. Self-Interest, Corporate Ethics, and Employee Motivation.- 2. Economics and Ethics I: Formal Ethics.- 2.1. Ethics and Economics: Global and Local Maximization.- 2.2. Unifying Universalization and Exception: Ethics and Religion.- 2.3. Economic, Ethical, and Religious Rationality: Extending the Limits of the Self.- 2.4. Rationality and Coordination.- 2.5. Ethics as Fonn of Social Coordination.- 2.6. Ethics and Religion as Ways of Increasing Economic Rationality and Coordination.- 2.7. Fonnality and Materiality.- 3. Economics and Ethics II: Substantive Ethics.- 3.1. Ethical and Economic Theories of Goods.- 3.2. Experiencing Values and Understanding Cultural Meaning.- 3.3. Side Effects between Experiences and Value Convictions, “Is” and “Ought”.- 3.4. Substantive Value-Qualities and Degrees of the Publicness of Goods.- 3.5. Ethics as Theory of Virtues.- 3.6. The Unity of Ethics as the Theory of Duty, of Virtue, and of the Good.- 3.7. Everything Worth Doing Is Worth Doing Well, or The Good as Perfection.- 4. Economics and Culture.- 4.1. Cultural Economics and the Cultural Philosophy of the Economy.- 4.2. The Culture of Production.-4.3. The Culture of Consumption.- 4.4. Technological Progress and Transformations in the Meaning of Work in Society.- 4.5. Art and the Economy.- 5. Economics, Ethics, and Decision Theory: The Problem of Controlling Side Effects.- 5.1. The Law of Intended Side Effects in the Firm.- 5.2. Side Effects as Decision Problem.- 6. Economics and Ontology.- 6.1. Intentional or Natural-Scientific Ontology of the Economy?.- 6.2. The Inconceivability of an Objective General Equilibrium and Universal Mechanism.- 6.3. The Market Economy as Teleological Mechanism.- 6.4. General Equilibrium as Transcendental Ideal.- 6.5. Poietic Imagination of New Possibilities in the Market Process.- 6.6. The Market as Social Discourse and Process of Entelechial Coordination.- 6.7. Not Value Subjectivism, but Subjective Value-Realization.- 6.8. Ethical Economy or Subjective Economics as General Theory of Human Action?.- 7. Economic Ethics in the Market Economy.- 7.1. Does the “Mechanism of Competition” Make Ethics Superfluous?.- 7.2. Morality and Advantage: The Costs of Economic Ethics.- 7.3. Morality at the Margin.- 7.4. Proper Conduct and Appropriateness to the Nature of the Subject Matter in Question.- 8. Commutative Justice.- 8.1. Commutative Justice as Appropriateness to the Nature of the Matter of Exchange: The Equivalence Principle.- 8.2. How Do We Determine What Each Person is Entitled to in Exchange?.- 8.3. What Is the Basis of the Obligation to Give Each Person What Is His or Hers in Exchange?.- 9. Just Price Theory.- 9.1. Preliminary Historical Remark: The Significance of Early-Modem, Probabilistic Just Price Theory.- 9.2. Natural Law and Forces of Nature in the Legitimation of the Price System.- 9.3. What Distinguishes the Price System from Other Forms of Price Determination?.- 9.4.Formal and Non-Formal or Substantive Conditions of Price Justice.- 9.5. International Price Justice.- 9.6. Justice as Satisfying a Criterion or as a Synopsis of Several Criteria?.- 9.7. Justice in Interaction with Nature.- Conclusion: Morality and Efficiency.- Index of Persons.- Index of Subjects.

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