Browne / Herron / Giampetro-Meyer | Dynamic Business Law: The Essentials | Buch | 978-0-07-337768-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 672 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 274 mm, Gewicht: 1361 g

Browne / Herron / Giampetro-Meyer

Dynamic Business Law: The Essentials

Buch, Englisch, 672 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 274 mm, Gewicht: 1361 g

ISBN: 978-0-07-337768-1

Dynamic Business Law is appropriate for the one-semester Business Law course. It contains the basics of business law but does not get bogged down in the kind of details that are more appropriate in an upper-level law class. The text provides an examination of the basic questions, concepts, and legal rules of business law. •Emphasis on the BUSINESS in business law. Dynamic Business Law: The Essentials emphasizes the tie of legal issues back to the core business curriculum. This will help both students and faculty. Faculty need to know how this is integrated as they are constantly 'defending' the inclusion of this course in the business curriculum. And students need to understand how the concepts tie to their future business careers.•Emphasis on TEACHING. Many professors teaching this course are attorneys first and academics second. They do not have a lot of time to prepare or think about how to apply this information effectively for their business students. Dynamic Business Law: The Essentials contains a helpful instructor's manual, particularly for the many adjuncts teaching this course. •Emphasis on CRITICAL THINKING. Neil Browne, one of the co-authors of this text, has written a successful text on critical thinking. His framework is included in Dynamic Business Law: The Essentials as well – to help students learn how to frame and reframe a question/issue. Critical thinking questions are also included at the end of each case, to tie in this component even further.
Browne / Herron / Giampetro-Meyer Dynamic Business Law: The Essentials jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

PART 1: The Legal Environment of Businesschapter 1 An Introduction to the Fundamentals of Dynamic Business Law chapter 2 Business Ethics and White-Collar Crime chapter 3 The U.S. Legal System and Alternative Dispute Resolution chapter 4 Constitutional Principles chapter 5 Tort Law chapter 6 Real and Intellectual Property PART 2: Contractschapter 7 Introduction to Contracts and Agreement chapter 8 Consideration chapter 9 Capacity and Legality chapter 10 Reality of Assent chapter 11 Contracts in Writing and Third-Party Contracts chapter 12 Discharge and Remedies PART 3: Domestic and International Sales Lawchapter 13 Formation and Performance of Sales and Lease Contracts chapter 14 Performance and Obligations under Sales and Lease Contracts PART 4: Negotiable Instruments and Bankingchapter 15 Negotiable Instruments: Negotiability and Transferability chapter 16 Holder in Due Course, Liability, and Defenses PART 5: Creditors’ Rights and Bankruptcychapter 17 Secured Transactions, Creditors’ Rights, and Bankruptcy PART 6: Agencychapter 18 Agency and Liability to Third Parties PART 7: Business Organizationschapter 19 Forms of Business Organizations chapter 20 Partnerships chapter 21 Corporations: Formation and Organization chapter 22 Securities Regulation PART 8: Government Regulationchapter 23 Administrative Law chapter 24 Employment and Discrimination Law chapter 25 Consumer Law Appendicesappendix A The Constitution of the United States of Americaappendix B Uniform Commercial Codeappendix C Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

Browne M. , Neil
M. Neil Browne is a senior lecturer and Distinguished Teacher Professor of Economics and Law emeritus at Bowling Green State University. He received his B.A. in history and economics at the University of Houston, his Ph.D. in economics at the University of Texas, and his J.D. from the University of Toledo. He has been a professor at Bowling Green for more than five decades. Professor Browne teaches courses in economics and law, legal research, jurisprudence, ethical reasoning, critical thinking, and economics at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. He has received recognition as the Silver Medalist National Professor of the Year, the Ohio Professor of the Year, and Distinguished Teacher and Master Teacher at Bowling Green State University, as well as numerous research awards from his university and from professional organizations. His consulting activities with corporate, governmental, and educational institutions focus on improving the quality of critical thinking in those organizations. In addition, he serves as a Rule 26 expert with respect to the quality of the reasoning used by expert witnesses called by the party opponent in legal actions. Professor Browne has published 35 books and over 160 professional articles in law journals, as well as in economics, sociology, and higher-education journals. His current research interests focus on the relationship between orthodox economic thinking and legal policy. In addition, he is in the midst of writing books about the power of questionable assumptions in economics, the usefulness of asking questions as a learning strategy, and the deficiencies of legal reasoning.

Barkacs, Linda
Linda L. Barkacs received her J.D. from the University of San Diego in 1993. She also has a B.A. in political science from San Diego State University and an A.A. in accounting from Irvine Valley College. Upon graduating from law school and passing the California bar exam, Professor Barkacs became an associate at a downtown San Diego law firm. During that time she was involved in a number of high-profile trials, including a sexual harassment case against the City of Oceanside that resulted in a $1.2 million verdict. In 1997, Professor Barkacs and her husband Craig (also a professor at USD) started their own law firm specializing in business and civil litigation (in both federal and state courts), employment law cases, and appeals. They were also involved in numerous mediations and arbitrations. Professor Barkacs began teaching at USD in 1997 and went full-time in Spring 2002. She is now a tenured Associate Professor of Business Law. As an educator, she has designed and taught numerous courses on law, ethics, and negotiation. She teaches in USDs undergraduate and graduate programs, including the Master of Science in Executive Leadership (a Ken Blanchard program), the Master of Science in Global Leadership, the Master of Science in Real Estate, and the Master of Science in Supply Chain Management. Professor Barkacs often teaches in USDs study-abroad classes and has traveled extensively throughout Europe, Asia, and South America. Professor Barkacs has received numerous awards for her teaching at USD, including the 2008 USD Outstanding Undergraduate Business Educator; 2008 and 2007 Professor of the Year, USD Senior Class (universitywide); 2007 Creative and Innovative Teaching Award, Academy of Education Leadership (national); and 2009 and 2010 nominee for U.S. Professor of the Year (Carnegie Foundation). She and her husband are principals in The Barkacs Group (, a consulting firm that provides negotiation, ethics, and team training for the private sector. Professor Barkacs has published numerous journal articles in the areas of law, ethics, and negotiation. She and her husband are coauthoring a book on negotiation. She has been the president, vice president, conference chair, and treasurer of the Pacific Southwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business ( Professor Barkacs currently spends her time teaching, publishing, consulting for The Barkacs Group, and doing volunteer work for various civic causes. She enjoys walking, weight lifting, and spending her free time with her husband Craig and their three cats, Phoenix, Violet, and Vanessa.

Herron, Daniel
Daniel J. Herron is a professor of business legal studies in the Richard T. Farmer School of Business at his undergraduate alma mater, Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, where he earned a bachelors degree in English. He earned his law degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Law in Cleveland and is a member of the Ohio and federal bars. His research includes articles on business ethics plus a variety of business and law topics. In addition to his teaching and scholarly publications, he founded in 1994, and since then has been coaching, the James Lewis Family Mock Trial Program at Miami, a consistent top-10 program in a field of more than 300 mock trial programs nationwide. Before coming to Miami in 1992, he taught at Bowling Green State University, the University of Wyoming, the University of North CarolinaWilmington, and Western Carolina University. He has been married for over 35 years to Deborah, and they have two children, Christopher (married to Amanda) and Elisabeth (married to Mark). They have four grandchildrenJack, Nate, Samantha, and Wesleyplus two rambunctious beagles, Max and Missy.

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