Larimo | Market Entry and Operational Decision Making in East-West Business Relationships | Buch | 978-0-7890-3543-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 306 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 216 mm, Gewicht: 567 g


Market Entry and Operational Decision Making in East-West Business Relationships

Buch, Englisch, 306 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 216 mm, Gewicht: 567 g

ISBN: 978-0-7890-3543-1
Verlag: Routledge

Understand the dynamics of East-West relationships in business to make better decisions

The Eastern expansion of the European Union has increased interest in this geographic region. Market Entry and Operational Decision Making in East-West Business Relationships presents 10 case studies that focus on firms in Central and Eastern Europe and the strategies used for success. Academics, researchers, and practitioners examine a variety of topics, including entry and marketing strategies of Western multinational companies, choices of locations for foreign direct investments, first mover advantages, entry behavior of retailing companies, dynamics in subsidiary operations, industry clusters, decision-making autonomy, and internationalization.

Market Entry and Operational Decision Making in East-West Business Relationships provides information that is uniquely timely and practical to those in business in this region. The chapters bring the academic and the practical perspectives together by analyzing various research studies from different companies in several Central and Eastern European countries. This resource discusses companies and the decisions about where they begin and maintain operations, and why these strategies were chosen. The book provides a clear spotlight on the business decisions currently taking place in the East-West interaction.

Topics in Market Entry and Operational Decision Making in East-West Business Relationships include:

- studies of four Estonian companies on their emergence and success factors
- a comparative study of performance measures of companies in Central and Eastern Europe
- a detailed look at the strategies of Finnish and Swedish companies in the Baltic states and Russia
- the location decisions of Italian firms
- a comparative study of in-store shopping behavior in Italy, France, and Poland
- the regionalization of multinational company strategies
- studies of Estonian companies, including the wood and forest industries
- and more

Market Entry and Operational Decision Making in East-West Business Relationships is an essential resource that examines issues of critical importance to business researchers, practitioners, and policymakers.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- Foreword - Introduction - The Emergence and Success Factors of Fast Internationalizers: Four Cases from Estonia (Tiia Vissak) - First Mover Advantages in Central and Eastern Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Performance Measures (Kristian Jakobsen) - Internationalization of Biggest Finnish and Swedish Retailers in the Baltic States and Russia (Jorma Larimo and Ari Huuhka) - Trade and Market Liberalization in Eastern Europe: The Effects on the FDI Location Decisions of Italian Firms (Antonio Majocchi and Roger Strange) - In-Store Shopping Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Comparison in Italy, France, and Poland (Donata Vianelli, Christian Dianoux, Tomasz Domanski, and Jean-Luc Hermann) - Regionalization in Central and Eastern Europe: Searching for Regiocentric Orientations in MNC Strategies (Arnold Schuh) - The Interconnections of Regional and Domestic Cluster Development Processes: Using the Example of Estonian Wood and Forest Industries (Tonu Roolaht) - Local Heroes, Regional Champions or Global Mandates? Empirical Evidence on the Dynamics of German MNC Subsidiary Roles in Central Europe (Stefan Eckert and Frank Rossmeissl) - The Impact of the Change from Partial to Full Foreign Ownership on the Internationalization of Foreign Subsidiaries: Four Estonian Cases (Tiia Vissak) - The Role of Cooperation and Innovation in Reducing the Likelihood of Export Withdrawals: The Case of Estonian Wood Sector (Ele Reiljan) - Index - Reference Notes Included

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