Laskin / Gadd / Sariaslani | Advances in Applied Microbiology | Buch | 978-0-12-374429-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 304 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 522 g

Laskin / Gadd / Sariaslani

Advances in Applied Microbiology

Volume 65

Buch, Englisch, 304 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 522 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-374429-6
Verlag: Elsevier Health Sciences

Published since 1959, Advances in Applied Microbiology continues to be one of the most widely read and authoritative review sources in microbiology. The series contains comprehensive reviews of the most current research in applied microbiology. Recent areas covered include bacterial diversity in the human gut, protozoan grazing of freshwater biofilms, metals in yeast fermentation processes and the interpretation of host-pathogen dialogue through microarrays. Eclectic volumes are supplemented by thematic volumes on various topics, including Archaea and sick building syndrome. Impact factor for 2006: 1.96.
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Researchers in applied microbiology, molecular biology, mycology, biotechnology and biochemistry.

Weitere Infos & Material

1. Capsular Polysaccharides in Escherichia coli.
David Corbett and Ian S. Roberts
2. Microbial PAH degradation
Evelyn Doyle, Lorraine Muckian, Anne Marie Hickey and Nicholas Clipson
3. Acid Stress Responses in Listeria monocytogenes
Sheila Ryan, Colin Hill, Cormac GM Gahan
4. Global regulators of transcription in Escherichia coli: mechanisms of action and methods for study
David C. Grainger and Stephen J.W. Busby
5. The role of Sigma B (óB) in the stress adaptations of Listeria monocytogenes: overlaps between stress adaptation and virulence
Conor P. O'Byrne and Kimon A. G. Karatzas
6. Protein Secretion and Membrane Insertion Systems in Gram-negative Bacteria
and Eukaryotic Organelles
Milton H. Saier, Jr., Chin Hong Ma, Loren Rodgers, Dorjee G. Tamang, and Ming Ren Yen
7. Metabolic Behavior of Bacterial Biological Control Agents in Soil and Plant Rhizospheres
Cynthia A. Pielach, Daniel P. Roberts, and Donald Y. Kobayashi
8. Copper homeostasis in bacteria
Jennifer Cavet

Sariaslani, Sima
Sima Sariaslani - PhD in microbial Biochemistry - UK. Professor of microbiology/biochemistry - Iran
Research at Univ. of Calif, Riverside - US. Research at Univ. of Iowa - US. Research at DuPont Central Research and Development - US
Intellectual property - DuPont - US

Gadd, Geoffrey M.
Geoffrey Gadd is a Professor at the University of Dundee, Scotland, UK

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