Law / Hvannberg / Cockton | Maturing Usability | Buch | 978-1-84628-940-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 430 Seiten, Format (B × H): 167 mm x 243 mm, Gewicht: 1790 g

Reihe: Human–Computer Interaction Series

Law / Hvannberg / Cockton

Maturing Usability

Quality in Software, Interaction and Value

Buch, Englisch, 430 Seiten, Format (B × H): 167 mm x 243 mm, Gewicht: 1790 g

Reihe: Human–Computer Interaction Series

ISBN: 978-1-84628-940-8
Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

"Maturing Usability" provides an understanding of how current research and practice has contributed towards improving quality issues in software, interaction and value.

Divided into three parts, ‘Quality in Software’ looks at how using development tools can enhance the usability of a system, and how methods and models can be integrated into the process to help develop effective user interfaces. ‘Quality in Interaction’ addresses theoretical frameworks on the nature of interactions; techniques and metrics for evaluation interaction quality; and the transfer of concepts and methods from research to practice. Finally, ‘Quality in Value’ assesses the impact that a system has in the real world, focusing on increasing the value of usability practice for software development and on increasing value for users.

A balance between theoretical and empirical approaches is maintained throughout, and all those interested in exploring usability issues in human-computer interaction will find this a very useful book.
Law / Hvannberg / Cockton Maturing Usability jetzt bestellen!



Weitere Infos & Material

Quality in Software.- Usability Evaluation of User Interfaces Generated with a Model-Driven Architecture Tool.- Software Quality Engineering: The Leverage for Gaining Maturity.- Connecting Rigorous System Analysis to Experience-Centered Design.- Tailoring Usability into Agile Software Development Projects.- Tailoring Usability into Agile Software Development Projects.- Quality in Interaction.- Systems Usability – Promoting Core-Task Oriented Work Practices.- Usability Work in Professional Website Design: Insights from Practitioners’ Perspectives.- Characterizations, Requirements, and Activities of User-Centered Design—the KESSU 2.2 Model.- Remote Usability Evaluation: Discussion of a General Framework and Experiences from Research with a Specific Tool.- Utility and Experience in the Evolution of Usability.- Quality in Value.- Usability and Users’ Health Issues in Systems Development – Attitudes and Perspectives.- Usability Evaluation as Idea Generation.- Putting Value into E-valu-ation.- HCI and the Economics of User Experience.- The Future of Usability Evaluation: Increasing Impact on Value.- A Green Paper on Usability Maturation.

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