Leeson | Hayek: A Collaborative Biography | Buch | 978-3-319-94411-1 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 396 Seiten, HC runder Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 153 mm x 216 mm, Gewicht: 638 g

Reihe: Archival Insights into the Evolution of Economics


Hayek: A Collaborative Biography

Part XIV: Liberalism in the Classical Tradition: Orwell, Popper, Humboldt and Polanyi

Buch, Englisch, 396 Seiten, HC runder Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 153 mm x 216 mm, Gewicht: 638 g

Reihe: Archival Insights into the Evolution of Economics

ISBN: 978-3-319-94411-1
Verlag: Springer International Publishing

This latest volume in the Collaborative Biography of Hayek examines the interconnectedness between Hayek’s (1944) The Road to Serfdom and George Orwell’s Animal Farm (1945) and Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949); his relationship with Karl Popper and Karl Polanyi; and the work of Wilhelm von Humboldt. Mises had a ‘deep emotional attachment’ to the ‘free’ market and Hayek believed that ‘science’ was driven by shallow emotions.
Hayek believed in ‘democracy as a system of peaceful change of government; but that’s all its whole advantage is, no other.’ He felt democracy simply made it possible to get rid of the government ‘we’ dislike. Hayek bemoaned the decay of superstition — the ‘supporting moral beliefs’ – that are required to maintain ‘our’ civilization. Yet his Road to Serfdom neglected ‘another road to serfdom’ – the possibility that there were multiple threats to individual freedom –not just State power. In contrast, many other scholars and public intellectual warned of the dangers of the concentration of power in institutions other than the State. Today those fears have materialized in the guise of wealthy mega-corporations and billionaires whose influence on government, on elections, on popular culture and on the dominant ideology, have been able to change the rules of the market in their favour – so that ‘we’ have now become trapped in a new kind of serfdom. With contributions from a range of highly regarded scholars, this volume continues the Biography’s rich exploration of Hayek’s work and beliefs.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. ‘Property’ + ‘Aristocratic Dignity’ = ‘Scientific Glory’ - Robert Leeson.- 2. The ‘Free’ Market Use of (Ideological) ‘Knowledge’ in Society- Robert Leeson.- 3. Hayek and Humboldt on Freedom and the Role of the State- Birsen Filip.- 4. Hayek, Orwell, and the Road to Nineteen Eighty-Four?- Andrew Farrant, Jonathan Baughman, and Edward McPhail.- 5. Hayek and Popper’s Enchanting Personal and Professional Relationship- Birsen Filip.- 6. Hayek and Popper on Historicism, Hegel, and Totalitarian Regimes- Birsen Filip.- 7. Hayek and Popper on Piecemeal Engineering and Ordo-liberalism- Birsen Filip.- 8. Karl Polanyi vs Friedrich von Hayek: The socialist calculation debate and beyond- Gareth Dale.- 9. Hayek's Liberalism and its Critics- Rafe Champion.- 10. Another Road to Sefdom- John Komlos.- 11. Triple Governance: Hayek's Lost Thesis- Christopher Houghton Budd.- 12. Hayek, Austrian Business Cycle Theory, and The Fatal Conceit- Alan Ebenstein.

Robert Leeson has been Visiting Professor of Economics at Stanford University, USA since 2005, National Fellow and Visiting Scholar at the Hoover Institution since 1995 and Adjunct Professor at Notre Dame Australia University since 2008. He has published numerous articles in journals including The Economic Journal and Economics and History of Political Economy. In addition to writing and editing twenty books, he is the co-editor (with Charles Palm) of The Collected Writings of Milton Friedman. He has held further visiting positions at Cambridge University, the University of California, Berkeley, the University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara University and the University of Western Ontario.

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