Liggans / Russell | Fired Up! | Buch | 978-3-11-074162-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 154 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 346 g

Reihe: Business & economics

Liggans / Russell

Fired Up!

A guide to transforming your team from burnout to engagement

Buch, Englisch, 154 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 346 g

Reihe: Business & economics

ISBN: 978-3-11-074162-9
Verlag: De Gruyter

Imagine this. you are leading a team that is full of energy, enthusiasm, creativity, cooperation, and participation. Team members enjoy working with one another and the nature of the work itself. Simply put, the team is a pleasure to engage with and they help you achieve organizational goals - on time and under budget. Sounds great – right? Of course it does. but it may not be your reality. Your team’s success is impacted by changes within the work environment, and as a leader, manager, human resources professional or organizational development consultant you are constantly striving to address threats to employee engagement and well-being. One such threat is the global phenomenon: burnout. Fired Up! offers a framework and collection of interconnected principles that can help you build a positive and effective work environment. It serves as a starting point for people leaders (and those that work with people leaders) to understand burnout and engagement while developing a plan of action. Inspired by the stories, anecdotes, and strategies included in the book, you will find support and tools for creating an environment that fosters engagement for your team. Gain an insight into the causes and consequences of burnout, learn how to assess your team and work environment and become aware of the conditions that can shift your team from burnout to engagement.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Contents Acknowledgments XI Preface XVII Introduction XIX Part I: A stronghold Chapter 1 Burnout matters 3 Burnout as a global phenomenon 3 You can count the costs 4 Nobody is immune to burnout 5 Burnout is an organizational problem 6 The casualties of burnout 7 Managing burnout requires leadership 9 Chapter 2 Why we work – in general and in organizations 11 Wake, work, sleep, and repeat 11 Division of labor and productivity 12 Everyone wants meaningful work 14 Organizations need motivated employees 15 Motivating the masses 17 Chapter 3 Your work environment and well-being 19 The surroundings tell the story 20 A focus on what is positive and effective 21 Key characteristics of the work environment 25 Job demands 25 Job resources 26 Organizational support 27 The dynamic work environment 27 Current realities 28 Span of control 37 Part II: A trench and the oasis Chapter 4 Burnout – the making of a concept 41 The three dimensions of burnout 41 What burnout is not 43 The causes and consequences of burnout 43 What every leader and manager needs to know 46 So, what next? 46 Chapter 5 Work engagement 47 A most desirable state 47 The causes and consequences of work engagement 49 An essential focus for organizations 51 From an individual focus to your team’s work engagement 51 So, what next? 53 Part III: Minding the gap Chapter 6 Shifting from burnout to engagement 57 The Organization-Job-Personal (OJP) framework 57 Three steps 60 Chapter 7 Step 1 – Assess 63 Bringing it all together 69 Chapter 8 Step 2 – Acknowledge 70 Ideating strategies 70 OJP potential strategies and solutions 75 Bringing it all together 77 Chapter 9 Step 3 – Act 78 Brick by brick, build a plan 78 Assess, acknowledge, act, and repeat 81 Keep the flame burning 84 Bringing it all together 84 Chapter 10 Self-audit, self-care, and self-compassion 85 Support tools 87 Afterword 91 Endnotes 93 Appendix I The Organization-Job-Personal (OJP) framework 101 Appendix II Work environment assessment 102 Appendix III Leader assessment analysis form 103 Appendix IV Acknowledge – guiding questions table 104 Appendix V OJP strategy chart 105 Appendix VI OJP potential strategies and solutions chart 106 Appendix VII Timeframe 124 Appendix VIII Fired Up! Action Plan 126 Appendix IX Self-care BINGO card 127 Appendix X Create-Your-Own BINGO card 128 Appendix XI Guiding questions for training and facilitation 129 Appendix XII Resources 131 List of figures 133 List of tables 135 Further reading 137 About the authors 151 Index 153

Mia Baytop Russell, PhD has served in various roles across nonprofit, academic, and corporate sectors. Currently, as lecturer in the Center for Leadership Education at Johns Hopkins University, she teaches leadership and management courses. Drawing from personal interests and challenges with work-life integration and work-family conflict, Mia has spent decades exploring well-being in multiple contexts. Her research focuses on the sustainability of well-being, specifically family economic well-being and career/work-related well-being. As a contributor to the field of financial education and organizational behavior, Mia has published dozens of interdisciplinary articles, developed programs, and consulted with organizations. Girvin Liggans, PhD is an expert in policy analysis and a lecturer in the Whiting School of Engineering at Johns Hopkins University where he teaches management, leadership, and technical communication. Rooted in decades of work within public health agencies, Girvin is dedicated to advancing health equity and employee well-being through a focus on evidence-informed decision-making in public and organizational policy. His research is multidisciplinary and spans environmental health, organizational behavior, legal epidemiology, and diversity and inclusion. Girvin holds an MS in Environmental Health Science from the University of Michigan along with a BS in Environmental Science and PhD in Organizational Leadership from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore.

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