Lowery / Antonio | Dietary Protein and Resistance Exercise | Buch | 978-1-4398-4456-4 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 258 Seiten, Format (B × H): 157 mm x 239 mm, Gewicht: 558 g

Lowery / Antonio

Dietary Protein and Resistance Exercise

Buch, Englisch, 258 Seiten, Format (B × H): 157 mm x 239 mm, Gewicht: 558 g

ISBN: 978-1-4398-4456-4
Verlag: CRC Press

Dietary supplement companies and the food industry spend millions to reach resistance trainers—often with exaggerated marketing messages—while health practitioners continue to counsel athletes that their interest in protein is misguided and even dangerous. There appears to be a disconnect between scientists and almost everyone else in sports nutrition. With so much conflicting information, it’s difficult to know who to believe. With contributions from the world’s foremost experts, Dietary Protein and Resistance Exercise delivers the uncut scientific truth about the role of dietary protein in the well-being of athletes.

Updating and clarifying the issues surrounding purposeful protein intake and resistance trainers, this volume:

Reviews the science-related history of protein and its consumption among strength athletes
Analyzes the mechanisms behind what proteins do in muscle cells
Describes protein’s effect on performance, recovery, and body composition
Explores various populations that actively employ resistance training and dietary protein
Discusses timing, type, and safety data regarding liberal protein diets and related supplements
Includes sidebars, practical examples, and case studies—translating the science into a practical understanding of various protein-related topics
Separating fact from fiction and providing the hard science behind the numbers, this volume demonstrates how changes in dietary protein intake may lead to measurable improvements in body composition, energy levels, and athletic performance.
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Coaches, scientists, professors, students, health educators, and athletes.

Weitere Infos & Material

Dietary Protein and Strength Exercise: Historical Perspectives; Peter W. R. Lemon

Protein Metabolism: Synthesis and Breakdown on a Cellular Level; Layne E. Norton, Gabriel J. Wilson, and Jacob M. Wilson

The Safety Debate Regarding Dietary Protein in Strength Athletes; Lonnie M. Lowery

Dietary Protein Efficacy: Dose and Peri-Exercise Timing; Joshua Cotter and David Barr

Dietary Protein Efficacy: Dietary Protein Types; Bill Campbell

Weight Control with Dietary Protein; Ronald Mendel

Protein, Resistance Training, and Women; Dawn Anderson and Christin Dietz-Seher

Protein’s Effects on Rehabilitation and the Sarcopenia of Aging; Troy Smurawa

Nitrogenous Compounds and Supplements; Jamie Landis, Tim N. Ziegenfuss, and Hector L. Lopez

Case Studies and Sports Application; Michael T. Nelson, Jonathan N. Mike, and David Barr


Lowery, Lonnie Michael
Lonnie M. Lowery, PhD, RD, is a professor of nutrition and exercise physiology of 11 years, currently at Winona State University, and president of Nutrition, Exercise and Wellness Associates Ltd. With formal training in both exercise physiology and nutrition he has published in academic and research settings on various sports nutrition topics such as dietary proteins, fats, antioxidants, dietary supplements, and overtraining. Dr. Lowery has also served as an educational, scientific, and product development consultant for a number of large dietary supplement companies such as Met Rx, Bodyonics-Pinnacle, and Biotest Laboratories. As an award-winning mentor and educator, he has written hundreds of lay articles for the strength and fitness communities and co-hosts www.IronRadio.org, a free educational and consumer advocacy podcast on iTunes.

Antonio, Jose
Jose Antonio, PhD, is the chief executive officer and cofounder of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (www.theissn.org); furthermore, he is a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine and National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). He was the 2005 recipient of the NSCA Research Achievement Award and the 2009 NSCA Educator of the Year; moreover, he has published 13 books and over 50-plus peer-reviewed scientific publications. Dr. Antonio is the editor-in-chief of Sports Nutrition Insider, and Inside Fitness magazine, and has contributed to Ironman, Muscular Development, Muscle and Fitness, and Fitness Rx Men/Women. He is an assistant professor at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Lonnie M. Lowery, PhD, RD, is a professor of nutrition and exercise physiology of 11 years, currently at Winona State University, and president of Nutrition, Exercise and Wellness Associates Ltd. With formal training in both exercise physiology and nutrition he has published in academic and research settings on various sports nutrition topics such as dietary proteins, fats, antioxidants, dietary supplements, and overtraining. Dr. Lowery has also served as an educational, scientific, and product development consultant for a number of large dietary supplement companies such as Met Rx, Bodyonics-Pinnacle, and Biotest Laboratories. As an award-winning mentor and educator, he has written hundreds of lay articles for the strength and fitness communities and co-hosts www.IronRadio.org, a free educational and consumer advocacy podcast on iTunes.

Jose Antonio, PhD, is the chief executive officer and cofounder of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (www.theissn.org); furthermore, he is a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine and National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). He was the 2005 recipient of the NSCA Research Achievement Award and the 2009 NSCA Educator of the Year; moreover, he has published 13 books and over 50-plus peer-reviewed scientific publications. Dr. Antonio is the editor-in-chief of Sports Nutrition Insider, and Inside Fitness magazine, and has contributed to Ironman, Muscular Development, Muscle and Fitness, and Fitness Rx Men/Women. He is an assistant professor at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

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