Lütge / Merse | Digital Teaching and Learning: Perspectives for English Language Education | Buch | 978-3-8233-8244-7 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 298 Seiten, Format (B × H): 173 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 563 g


Lütge / Merse

Digital Teaching and Learning: Perspectives for English Language Education

Buch, Englisch, 298 Seiten, Format (B × H): 173 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 563 g


ISBN: 978-3-8233-8244-7
Verlag: Narr Dr. Gunter

The ongoing digitalization of social environments and personal lifeworlds has made it crucial to pinpoint the possibilities of digital teaching and learning also in the context of English language education. This book offers university students, trainee teachers, in-service teachers and teacher educators an in-depth exploration of the intricate relationship between English language education and digital teaching and learning. Located at the intersection of research, theory and teaching practice, it thoroughly legitimizes the use of digital media in English language education and provides concrete scenarios for their competence-oriented and task-based classroom use.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Setting the Scene: Digital Teaching and Learning in English Language Education

1 Revisiting Digital Education: Dialogues and Dynamics in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
2 In Dialouge with Nicky Hockly

Digital Dynamics of Language Learning and Professional Development

3 The Digital Competence of English Language Educators: Exploring the DigCompEdu Framework with an Empirical Case Study
4 Designing Mobile Language Learning Scenarios with Digital Tools
5 AI in the EFL Classroom: Clarifications, Potentials and Limitations
6 Differentiation Through Digital Teaching and Learning
7 Digital Teaching and Learning in the Primary EFL Classroom

Digital Dialogues in Cultural Learning and Teaching with Texts

8 Diversifying Cultural Learning in the Digital Age
9 Focus on Identity in English Language Education: Doing Gender in Digital Spaces
10 Digital Competence in a Global World
11 Teaching Literature with Digital Media
12 Digital Textualities: Innovative Practices with Social Media, Digital Literatures and Virtual Realities

Outlook for the Digital Classroom: Let's Get Started!

13 Digital Teaching and Learning: A Practical View
Complete List of References
About the editors
About the authors

Christiane Lütge is Professor at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich (LMU), where she holds the Chair of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). Her areas of expertise in research and teaching include digital literacy and literary learning, literature in foreign language teaching and learning (entailing digital literatures), as well as global citizenship education and transcultural learning in EFL.

Thorsten Merse is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the field of TEFL at the University of Munich, LMU, Germany. In his research and teaching, he engages with digital education and teachers' digital competences, cultural and literary learning in ELT, as well as citizenship concepts in TEFL. In his PhD thesis from 2017 titled Other Others, Different Differences: Queer Perspectives on Teaching English as a Foreign Language, he pinpointed a queer-informed renegotiation of inter- and transcultural
learning within ELT pedagogy.

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