Martinis / Tezak | Trends in Colloid and Interface Science XIII | Buch | 978-3-540-65810-8 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 112, 233 Seiten, HC runder Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 215 mm x 303 mm, Gewicht: 923 g

Reihe: Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science

Martinis / Tezak

Trends in Colloid and Interface Science XIII

Buch, Englisch, Band 112, 233 Seiten, HC runder Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 215 mm x 303 mm, Gewicht: 923 g

Reihe: Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science

ISBN: 978-3-540-65810-8
Verlag: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Amphiphiles, monolayers and micelles R. Angelico, G. Palazzo, U. Olsson, Structural investigation of lecithin/cyclohexane solutions. 1 L. Ambrosone, A. Ceglie: L. Cantu, M. Corti, E. Del Favero, A calorimetric study of thermal hysteresis effects in ganglioside E. Muller, A. Raudino. S. Sonnino: micelles. 5 T. Diirrschmidt, H. Hoffmann, Electrorheological effects in lecithin organogels with water Y.A. Shchipunov: and glycerol. 11 P. Dynarowicz-Lqtka, Langmuir monolayers formed by a novel group of aromatic J. Czapkiewicz, K. Kita, P. Milart, amphiphiles. 15 E. Broclawik: N. JalSenjak, N. Judai, I. ~tefanik, Dynamics of vesicles from symmetrical double-chain S. Haas, D. Teiak: alkylbenzenesulphonates. J. Miiiones Jr., J. Miiiones, A study of the behaviour of mixed monolayers 0. Conde, R. Seoane, of amphotericin B and dipalmitoyl phosphatidic acid P. Dynarowicz-Lqtka: based on hysteresis experiments. 23 I. Rey Gomez-Serranillos, A study of the stability of amphotericin B monolayers. 29 J. Miiiones Jr., R. Seoane, 0. Conde. M. Casas: I. Slindez, A. Surirez, Pressure-area isotherms: the behaviour of cyclosporin /pyrene- A. Gil Gonzalez, I. Aristegui, labelled phospholipid systems. 34 J. Miiiones Trillo: K. Sattler, H. Hoffmann: A novel glycol silicate and its interaction with surfactant 40 for the synthesis of mesoporous silicate.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Amphiphiles, monolayers and micelles.- Structural investigation of lecithin/cyclohexane solutions.- A calorimetric study of thermal hysteresis effects in ganglioside micelles.- Electrorheological effects in lecithin organogels with water and glycerol.- Langmuir monolayers formed by a novel group of aromatic amphiphiles.- Dynamics of vesicles from symmetrical double-chain alkylbenzenesulphonates.- A study of the behaviour of mixed monolayers of amphotericin B and dipalmitoyl phosphatidic acid based on hysteresis experiments.- A study of the stability of amphotericin B monolayers.- Pressure-area isotherms: the behaviour of cyclosporin/pyrene-labelled phospholipid systems.- A novel glycol silicate and its interaction with surfactant for the synthesis of mesoporous silicate.- Characterization by fluorescence energy transfer of the core of polyisoprene-poly(methyl methacrylate) diblock copolymer micelles.- Surface properties of stigmastanyl phosphorylcholine monolayers spread at the air/water interface.- Long-range orientational order of branched chain phospholipid monolayers.- Bilayer formation in water from new urea-based double-chain dimethylammonium amphiphiles containing perfluorinated moieties.- Solutions and suspensions.- On the mechanism of solvation forces.- Dissolution of anionic surfactants. Effect of cations on the change in heat capacity.- Surfactant-DNA complexes in low ionic strength dilute solutions.- Interfacial charge in mixed-oxide aqueous suspensions.- Interfacial tensions in heptane-aqueous NaCl systems containing Aerosol OT and a second single-chain ionic surfactant.- Emulsions and microemulsions.- Size distribution in emulsions.- Spectroscopic study of polynucleotides in cationic W/O microemulsions.- Effect of short-range attractive interactions on thelow-frequency electrical conductivity of water-in-oil microemulsions.- Measurements of interfacial curvatures and evidence for morphological transition in semifluorinated non-isometric microemulsions.- Formation of trichlorofluoromethane hydrate in w/o emulsions studied by differential scanning calorimetry.- Physico-chemical properties of dense water/copper(II) bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate/CCl4 microemulsions.- Silica-stabilised multiple emulsions.- Liquid crystalline aqueous suspensions of V2O5 ribbons: from repulsive sols to attractive gels.- Characterization of microemulsions based on polymeric surfactant.- Lipase immobilization on microemulsion-based polymer gels.- Polymers.- Effect of polyoxybutylene chain length on the properties of alkyl sodium sulfates in aqueous solution.- Mesomorphic solid-like structures of sulfated extra-cellular polysaccharide-CnTAB compounds.- Micellization dynamics of poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide)-poly(ethylene oxide) block copolymers measured by stopped flow.- Small-angle X-ray scattering structural investigations of starburst dendrimers in solution.- Associating polymer-surfactant systems.- Entropic interactions in mixtures of colloids and non-ionic polymers.- Interfaces.- Contact angles and the transition zone between a sessile drop and a wetting film studied by Monte Carlo simulation.- Phase equilibria of polydisperse colloids.- Growth of silver iodide particles investigated by light scattering.- Binding of cadmium at the goethite aqueous interface.- Electrostatic and chemical interactions of ions in electrolytes and in ionic-point-charge double layers.- Potentiometric and dynamic light scattering investigation of the precipitation of lanthanum fluoride.- Adsorption of gelatin in combination with sodium dodecyl sulfate or hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide to a polystyrene/water interface.- Experimental Techniques.- Application of surfactants in emulsifying metalworking fluids.- Polyorganosiloxane nanoparticles as optical tracers.- Ultrasonic analysis of heat-induced coagulation in calcium fortified milk.- Experimental observation of single-file diffusion of Brownian particles.

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