Meng / Gao / Zhang | Wellbore Stability and Integrity | Buch | 978-0-323-99586-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 400 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 234 mm

Meng / Gao / Zhang

Wellbore Stability and Integrity

Models and Case Studies for Oil and Gas, Geothermal, and CO2 Sequestration

Buch, Englisch, 400 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 234 mm

ISBN: 978-0-323-99586-3
Verlag: Elsevier Science

Wellbore Stability and Integrity: Models and Case Studies for Oil and Gas, Geothermal, and CO2 Sequestration gives today’s engineers both the foundations and practical applications needed to mitigate common and future wellbore challenges. Organized into distinct parts, the book provides step-by-step instructions on how to model wellbore stability and integrity from fundamental elastic models before moving on to more advanced thermo-chemo-poro-elastic models. Dynamic loading and multiphase flow effects are also introduced as is a comprehensive comparison between analytical methods and numerical methods in modeling wellbore stability and integrity with recommendations for field applications of specific problems. Lastly, the reference provides guidelines for researchers and engineers on future research developments that support the energy transition, such as in geothermal wellbores and CO2 storage capability. Supported by case studies throughout, this book delivers a critical tool for engineers to solve the future of wellbores.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part 1: Analytical modelling on wellbore stability
1. Introduction of wellbore stability
2. Fundamental poroelastic theory
3. Poroelastic modelling of wellbore stability
4. Thermoporoleasitc modelling of wellbore stability
5. Thermochemoporoleasitc modelling of wellbore stability
6. Dual porosity single and dual permeability model
7. Dynamic model
8. Two-phase flow of wellbore stability
9. Application of poroelasticity in geothermal wellbore stability

Part 2: Numerical modelling on wellbore stability
10. Finite element modelling of wellbore stability
11. DEM modelling of wellbore stability
12. Comparison between analytical and numerical solution

Part 3: Wellbore integrity
13. Introduction of wellbore integrity
14. Oil well cement hardening and failure
15. Thermoelastic modelling
16. Porothermoelastic modelling
17. Finite element modelling of wellbore integrity
18. Case failure analysis and mitigation
19. Application of wellbore integrity model for CO2 storage

Gao, Jiajia
Dr. Gao is currently an assistant professor at Southwest Petroleum University, China. He is a selected affiliate member of EMI Poromechanics Committee, ASCE. He was a research fellow at National University of Singapore. He holds a Ph.D. in petroleum engineering from the China University of Petroleum (Beijing). His research interests focus on Poromechanics, such as the wellbore stability analysis and Mandel-Cryer effect considering coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical processes for saturated or unsaturated porous media, and sand production prediction using the poro-plastic theory. He has authored and co-authored over 20 technical papers.

Zhang, Weicheng
Dr. Zhang is a postdoctoral researcher at Missouri University of Science and Technology, where he obtained his PhD and master degrees in Petroleum Engineering. He earned his bachelor degree in Petroleum Engineering from China University of Petroleum (Beijing). He is a geomechanics researcher focusing on: (1) Full lifecycle evaluation of wellbore integrity under downhole conditions for oil & gas, CO2 sequestration, and geothermal wells. (2) Large-scale mechanical earth modeling. He has participated in 5 industry-related projects in wellbore integrity and geomechanics, authored and co-authored over 20 technical papers, and served as a guest editor for Advances in Geo-Energy Research since 2021.

Meng, Meng
Dr. Meng is a postdoctoral researcher at Los Alamos National Laboratory. His research interests include wellbore stability and integrity, poroelasticity modeling, carbon sequestration, and machine learning. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Petroleum Engineering from The University of Tulsa, and bachelor and master degree in Petroleum Engineering from China University of Petroleum. He has authored and co-authored over 30 technical papers, filed 1 US patent, and delivered more than 10 presentations at international conferences or universities. He also serves as associate editor for Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, and a guest editor for Geofluids in 2020/2021, and a technical editor/reviewer for 28 prestigious journals.

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