Mitsilegas / Wortman Jofre | The Law of Whistleblowing | Buch | 978-90-04-45980-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 100 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 233 mm, Gewicht: 160 g

Reihe: Brill Research Perspectives in International Law / Brill Research Perspectives in Transnational Crime

Mitsilegas / Wortman Jofre

The Law of Whistleblowing

Cross-Disciplinary, Contextual and Comparative Perspectives

Buch, Englisch, 100 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 233 mm, Gewicht: 160 g

Reihe: Brill Research Perspectives in International Law / Brill Research Perspectives in Transnational Crime

ISBN: 978-90-04-45980-9
Verlag: Brill

The volume provides a leading, contextual and cross-disciplinary analysis of legal responses to whistleblowing. Whistleblowing is a complex phenomenon that has been a challenge to numerous institutions at a national, international and supranational level. Efforts to address and protect whistlblowers have increased in recent years, although the development of a comprehensive legal framework has not always been possible. The whistleblowing phenomenon has been addressed directly through legislation and indirectly through numerous other measures and public policies. Different jurisdictions have relied on different areas of law to enhance the protection of whistleblowers, including measures from areas such as criminal, labour, corporate and administrative law. Taken together, contributions in this volume provide a comprehensive and original analysis of the emerging multi-level legal framework to protect whistleblowers.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Protecting Whistleblowers: The Challenges of Developing an Effective Legal Framework

Valsamis Mitsilegas and Santiago Wortman Jofre

From Obscurity to Limelight: Whistleblowers’ Protection under EU Law

Dimitrios Kafteranis

1 Introduction: Blowing the Whistle at the Heart of the European Union

2 The Role of the European Parliament Towards the Adoption of an EU Legal Framework on the Protection of Whistleblowers

3 From the Proposal to the Final Text of the Directive on the Protection of Persons Who Report Breaches of Union

4 Remarks on the Directive and Its Special Relationship with Criminal Law

5 Concluding Remarks

A Decade of Fast-track Whistleblowing Legislation: The Quest for Effective Protection of Whistleblowers in Greece

Anna Damaskou and Antonios Baltas

1 The Significance of Culture in Enacting and Implementing Whistleblowing Legislation Effectively

2 The State of Corruption and Whistleblower Protection in an EU Member State Lacking Dedicated Whistleblowing Legislation

3 Can Corruption Be De-rooted without Dedicated Whistleblowing Legislation?

4 “… And Then There Was Light”: The Enactment of Dedicated Whistleblowing Legislation in Greece

5 The Novartis Scandal in Greece: A Stress-Test for the Greek Whistleblowing Legislation and Culture

6 The Efficiency of Whistleblowers’ Protection in Greece in View of the Transposition of the EU Directive on the Protection of Whistleblowers

7 The Transpositon of the EU Directive on the Protection of Whistleblowers into the Greek Legal Order

8 The Significance of Culture in Providing Effective Whistleblowing Protection under the Demands of the New Era

Protecting Whistleblowers in Israel: The Gap Between the Law and its Implementation

Noa Yosef

1 Introduction

2 Background

3 Israel’s Main Laws for Protecting Whistleblowers

4 Criticism against the Protection of Employees Law and State Comptroller Law

5 Criminal Laws and Civil-Labour Laws – Complementary Mechanisms

6 Conclusion: More Is Better Than One

Whistleblowing and Cooperating Witnesses in Context: The Argentinian Perspective

Hugo Wortman Jofre and Ana Clara Rivero

1 Introduction

2 The Role of Whistleblowers and Cooperating Witnesses

3 Essential Discussions about Cooperating Witnesses

Valsamis Mitsilegas is Professor of European Criminal Law and Global Security, Director of the Criminal Justice Centre and Deputy Dean for Global Engagement (Europe) at Queen Mary University of London.

Santiago Wortman Jofre is a lawyer specialized in Criminal Law (2014), University of Buenos Aires; LL.M. in Criminal Law and Criminal Science (2016), University of Barcelona/University Pompeu Fabra; M.Sc. in Organised Crime, Terrorism and Security (2017), University of Essex, and Ph.D. Candidate at Queen Mary University of London.

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