Moran | Managing Agile | Buch | 978-3-319-16261-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 266 Seiten, HC runder Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 5443 g


Managing Agile

Strategy, Implementation, Organisation and People

Buch, Englisch, 266 Seiten, HC runder Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 5443 g

ISBN: 978-3-319-16261-4
Verlag: Springer International Publishing

This book examines agile approaches from a management perspective by focusing on matters of strategy, implementation, organization and people. It examines the turbulence of the marketplace and business environment in order to identify what role agile management has to play in coping with such change and uncertainty. Based on observations, personal experience and extensive research, it clearly identifies the fabric of the agile organization, helping managers to become agile leaders in an uncertain world.

The book opens with a broad survey of agile strategies, comparing and contrasting some of the major methodologies selected on the basis of where they lie on a continuum of ceremony and formality, ranging from the minimalist technique-driven and software engineering focused XP, to the pragmatic product-project paradigm that is Scrum and its scaled counterpart SAFe®, to the comparatively project-centric DSDM. Subsequently, the core of the book focuses on DSDM, owing to the method’s comprehensive elaboration of program and project management practices.

This work will chiefly be of interest to all those with decision-making authority within their organizations (e.g., senior managers, line managers, program, project and risk managers) and for whom topics such as strategy, finance, quality, governance and risk management constitute a daily aspect of their work. It will, however, also be of interest to those readers in advanced management or business administration courses (e.g., MBA, MSc), who wish to engage in the management of agile organizations and thus need to adapt their skills and knowledge accordingly.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1 Introduction.- Part I Agile Strategy.- 2 Strategy and Innovation.- 3 Financial Management.- Part II Implementation.- 4 Agile Project Management.- 5 Agile Programme Management.- 6 Governance.- 7 Quality and Test Management.- 8 Risk Management.- 9 Configuration Management.- Part III Organisation and People.- 10 Organisation.- 11 People Factors.- Appendix A: Agile Manifesto and Principles.- Appendix B: Agile Techniques.- Appendix C: DSDM Roles.- Appendix D: Five-Factor Model Facets.

Alan Moran is an experienced agilist with considerable experience in IT management and the development and delivery of services and products. His career has spanned both public and private sectors (incl. Finance, Education, Public Administration) throughout which he has maintained a keen interest in establishing and optimising agile processes along with a passion for embedding agile principles into management practice. He is the holder of several certifications and awards and is a regular public speaker on matters concerning agile and related topics.

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