Helle Neergaard, MSc, PhD (1999), Professor of Entrepreneurship. Professor Neergaard holds a position as Section Head at the Department of Management at Aarhus University. During her career she has also held various positions as visiting professor at e.g. Leeds University Business School, Manchester Metropolitan University, Aalto University, and OTH Regensburg. She has been a board member of ECSB for 15 years and during that time also served as President for the organization from 2013-2015. In 2017 she was appointed Fellow of ECSB. She is currently the Chair of the Advisory Board for WEGate. She has 25 years’ experience in teaching undergraduate and graduate programmes. She has 10+ years of experience from various doctoral programme boards, designing and implementing doctoral programmes, courses and workshops in publication, qualitative methods and entrepreneurship (education and gender). She has 15 years of research management experience in entrepreneurship research projects and communities and possesses an intimate knowledge of academic progress and review procedures. Her main interests concentrate on women’s entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education. She has approximately 150 publications: 28 peer reviewed journal articles of international standing, 5 books, 23 book chapters. 7 best paper awards. She serves and has served on numerous editorial boards. In 2018, she was chosen as a Sten K. Johnson European Entrepreneurship Education Laureate for her innovativeness in entrepreneurship education. She has also received the Emerald Literati Award for Excellence. Her most cited publication is Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Entrepreneurship (2007) published by Edward Elgar (523 cites). Professor Maribel Guerrero, M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Business Economics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain). She is a Professor of Entrepreneurship at the School of Business and Economics (Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile) and Newcastle Business School (Northumbria University, UK). She has more than ten years of experience from various entrepreneurship undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Chile, Mexico, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Her main research interests are focused on four areas: i) the determinants of entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial activities developed by individuals, public and private organizations; ii) the impacts of entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial activities on the societal, economic, and technological development of economies; iii) the configuration/evolution of entrepreneurship and innovation eco-systems and iv) the role of diversity and minority entrepreneurship on the configuration of entrepreneurship eco-systems and the socio-economic development of emerging economies. Prof. Guerrero has published more than sixty scholarly international publications in academic journals, five special issues, and five books regarding entrepreneurial universities, technology transfer and minorities in emerging economies. She is part of the editorial board of the Journal of Technology Transfer (Associate Editor), Journal of Small Business Management (Associate Editor), Technology Forecasting and Social Change (Advisor Board), and Small Business Economics (Reviewer Board).
Prof. Guerrero is the cofounding director of the Spanish Observatory of University Entrepreneurship (2016) and a founding member of the Northumbria Centre for Innovation, Regional Transformation, and Entrepreneurship (iNCITE, 2018). She has collaborated in the HEInnovate platform sponsored by the OCDE/European Commission. She is an active research fellow of international consortiums related to the measure of entrepreneurship and innovation activity such as the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (Chile, Belarus, & Spain), the Panel Studies of Entrepreneurial Dynamics (Spain), and Global University Entrepreneurship Spirit Students’ Survey (Belarus). She is also a fellow of the UK Higher Education Association. Currently, she is also a member of the AOM Entrepreneurship Division Executive Committee (Treasurer), Strategic Management Society (SMS), Technology Transfer Society (T2S), and others.
Dr. Breda Kenny, MBS, PhD (2009) is head of School of Business at Munster Technological University, Ireland. She is responsible for the effective general management of the School and its constituent departments. She was the former Head of the Hincks Centre for Entrepreneurship Excellence and has over 25 years lecturing, and research experience in entrepreneurship and international business. Breda has led and project managed a number of EU funded programmes under Interreg NPA, Interreg Europe, Erasmus Plus, Daphne and Leonardo da Vinci in the areas of entrepreneurship education, business development, regional innovation strategies, senior and female entrepreneurship. She is involved in research supervision and external examining to PhD level. She is Editor in Chief of the International Journal – Small Enterprise Research. She has published in international peer reviewed journals such as R & D Management, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, Industry & Higher Education, The Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development and Small Enterprise Research. At a European level, Breda was an elected member of the board of the European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ECSB) from 2013-2019 with responsibility for collaboration and industry engagement. From 2018-2020, she was appointed as external expert evaluator and rapporteur for the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT). In 2019, Breda was appointed by the European Commission as an Evaluator for the H2020-SwafS-2019-1 single submission call. In Ireland, Breda is a Chair of the Campus Enterprise & Entrepreneurship Network (CEEN) Initiative. On industry experience, Breda is co-founder and director of Surecom NS Ltd, and director of the Rubicon Innovation and Incubation Centre.