Nyerges | Ecology of Practice | Buch | 978-90-5699-574-4 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 274 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 367 g


Ecology of Practice

Buch, Englisch, 274 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 367 g

ISBN: 978-90-5699-574-4
Verlag: CRC Press

First Published in 1998. The study of the origin, development and diversity of the human diet is emerging as a coherent field that offers a much-needed integrative framework for our contemporary knowledge of the ecology of food and nutrition. This authoritative series of monographs and symposia volumes on the history and anthropology of food and nutrition is designed to address this need by providing integrative approaches to the study of various problems within the human food chain. As a series, it offers many unique opportunities for a wide range of scientists, scholars and other professionals representing anthropology, archaeology, food history, economics, agriculture, folklore, nutrition, medicine, pharmacology, public health and public policy to exchange important new knowledge, discoveries and methods involved in the study of all aspects of human food ways.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1 Introduction—The Ecology of Practice, A. Endre Nyerges; Chapter 2 Diminished Rains and Divided Tasks: Rice Growing in Three Jola Communities of Casamance, Senegal, Olga F. Linares; Chapter 3 Indirass and the Political Ecology of Flood Recession Agriculture, Thomas K. Park; Chapter 4 The Ecology of Food Security in the Northern Senegal Wetlands, John Magistro; Chapter 5 Shifting Social and Ecological Mosaics in Mende Forest Farming, Melissa Leach; Chapter 6 The Social Life of Swiddens: Juniors, Elders and the Ecology of Susu Upland Rice Farms, A. Endre Nyerges; Chapter 7 Toward an African Green Revolution? An Anthropology of Rice Research in Sierra Leone, Paul Richards;

A. Endre Nyerges, Centre College, Danville, Kentucky

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