Pavlovich / Krahnke | Organizing through Empathy | Buch | 978-0-415-84411-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 248 Seiten, Format (B × H): 157 mm x 236 mm, Gewicht: 458 g

Reihe: Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society

Pavlovich / Krahnke

Organizing through Empathy

Buch, Englisch, 248 Seiten, Format (B × H): 157 mm x 236 mm, Gewicht: 458 g

Reihe: Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society

ISBN: 978-0-415-84411-6
Verlag: Taylor & Francis

Empathy dissolves the boundaries between self and others, and feelings of altruism towards others are activated. This process results in more compassionate and caring contexts, as well as helping others in times of suffering. This book provides evidence from neuroscience and quantum physics that it is empathy that connects humanity, and that this awareness can create a more just society. It extends interest in values-based management, exploring the intellectual, physical, ecological, spiritual and aesthetic well-being of organizations and society rather than the more common management principles of maximising profit and efficiency.

This book challenges the existing paradigm of capitalism by providing scientific evidence and empirical data that empathy is the most important organizing mechanism. The book is unique in that it provides a comprehensive review of the transformational qualities of empathy in personal, organizational and local contexts. Integrating an understanding based upon scientific studies of why the fields of positive psychology and organizational scholarship are important, it examines the evidence from neuroscience and presents leading-edge studies from quantum physics with implications for the organizational field. Together the chapters in this book attempt to demonstrate how empathy helps in the reduction of human suffering and the creation of a more just society.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction Kathryn Pavlovich and Keiko Krahnke Part 1. Contemplative Approaches to Empathy 1. Consciousness, Empathy and the Brain Dennis P. Heaton and Fred Travis 2. The Source of Empathy in Our Lives: An Explanatory Journey Into the Realm of Spirituality Dunia Harajli Berry and Vassili Joannidès 3. Empathy, Self-Other Differentiation and Mindfulness Training Paul W. B. Atkins 4. A Conceptione… Joanna Tweedy Part 2 A. Applied Approaches to Empathy: Leadership 5. Working Through the Past: How Personal History Influences Leaders’ Emotions and the Capacity for Empathy Veronika Kisfalvi 6. Empathy: A Leadership Quintessential Samuel Natale, Anthony Libertella and Coroline Doran Part 2 B. Applied Approaches to Empathy: Decision Making 7. Ethical Decision Making in Organizations: The Role of Empathy Emmanuelle Patricia Kleinlogel and Joerg Dietz 8. The ACES Decision-Making Technique as a Reframing Tool for Increasing Empathy Larry Pate and Traci Shoblom Part 2 C. Applied Approaches to Empathy: Contextual 9. Predicting Empathy in Medical Students and Doctors Don Munro, David Powis and Miles Bore 10. The Caring Climate: How Sport Environments Can Develop Empathy in Young People Lori A. Gano-Overway 11. Ad Floridam Joanna Tweedy 12. Transcendent Empathy: the Ability to See the Larger System Peter Senge and Keiko Krahnke

Kathryn Pavlovich is Associate Professor at the University of Waikato, New Zealand. Shehas a special interest in conscious capitalism, enterprise, self-leadership, ethics and spirituality. She has authored more than 80 internationally refereed publications, including articles in Long Range Planning, Journal of Business Ethics, Tourism Management and a Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management. Kathryn is currently on the 5 year Chair track of the US-based Academy of Management’s Spirituality and Religion Division.

Keiko Krahnke is Associate Professor at the University of Northern Colorado. She has research interest in empathy, systems thinking, ethics, and spirituality. Keiko’s recent publications include an article in Journal of Business Ethics and Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management. She has served as Chair of Management, Spirituality and Religion at the Academy of Management.

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