Platzer / Shiozawa-Bayer | Color Atlas of Human Anatomy | Buch | 978-3-13-242443-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 484 Seiten, Paperback (Thread Stitching), Format (B × H): 125 mm x 188 mm, Gewicht: 586 g

Reihe: Color atlas of human anatomy

Platzer / Shiozawa-Bayer

Color Atlas of Human Anatomy

Vol. 1 Locomotor System
8. th Auflage 2022
ISBN: 978-3-13-242443-2
Verlag: Georg Thieme Verlag

Vol. 1 Locomotor System

Buch, Englisch, 484 Seiten, Paperback (Thread Stitching), Format (B × H): 125 mm x 188 mm, Gewicht: 586 g

Reihe: Color atlas of human anatomy

ISBN: 978-3-13-242443-2
Verlag: Georg Thieme Verlag

Color Atlas of Human Anatomy, Volume 1: Locomotor System
For over 45 years, the three-volume Color Atlas of Human Anatomy has provided readers with a compact review of the human body and its structures. It is ideal for studying, preparing for exams, and as a reference.
The new, 8th edition of Volume 1: Locomotor System builds on a robust foundation of scientific knowledge, summarizing in its compactness both the topographic and systemic anatomy of the musculoskeletal system.
Key highlights:
• Updated clinical notes provide important correlations between the anatomy of the musculoskeletal system and disease processes
• Proven concept of concise texts paired with more than 200 color plates of outstanding anatomical illustrations
• Overviews of anatomical terms and their Latin equivalents
Volume 1: Locomotor System is accompanied by Volume 2: Internal Organs (ISBN 978-3-13-242448-7) and Volume 3: Nervous System and Sensory Organs (ISBN 978-3-13-242451-7).
Platzer / Shiozawa-Bayer Color Atlas of Human Anatomy jetzt bestellen!



Weitere Infos & Material

1. General Anatomy
2. Trunk
3. Upper Limb
4. Lower Limb
5. Head and Neck
6. Peripheral Nerves and Vessels

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