Pullatt | Video Atlas of Laparoscopic Surgery: Volume Two | Buch | 978-93-86056-03-0 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 44 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 279 mm, Gewicht: 450 g


Video Atlas of Laparoscopic Surgery: Volume Two

Complications and Revisions in Bariatric Surgery

Buch, Englisch, 44 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 279 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

ISBN: 978-93-86056-03-0
Verlag: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers

The second volume in the series, this video atlas provides surgeons and trainees with the latest information on complications and revisions in bariatric surgery.

The videos demonstrate key procedures in bariatric surgery, showing each in a step by step approach to assist learning. Port positions and patient positioning are explained in depth.

Compiled by South Carolina-based surgeon, Rana Pullatt, the atlas is a culmination of technical improvements resulting from thousands of bariatric procedures performed by experienced surgeons worldwide.

The other video atlas currently available focuses on bariatric surgery techniques (9789351529354).

Key points

- Video atlas providing latest information on complications and revisions in bariatric surgery

- Demonstrates all key procedures in a step by step approach

- Port positions and patient positioning explained in depth

- Second volume in Video Atlas of Laparoscopic Surgery series
Pullatt Video Atlas of Laparoscopic Surgery: Volume Two jetzt bestellen!


Weitere Infos & Material

- Laparoscopic Conversion of Nissen Fundoplication to a Gastric Bypass for Refractory GERD and Gastroparesis

- Robotic Conversion of Sleeve Gastrectomy to Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for Refractory GERD

- Bowel Perforation after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

- Robot-Assisted Conversion of Sleeve Gastrectomy to SIPS for Inadequate Weight Loss

- Gastric Sleeve Stricturoplasty

- Laparoscopic Transgastric Removal of an Eroded Gastric Band

- Laparoscopic Transgastric Closure of Gastrogastric Fistula

- Pneumatic Dilation and Internal Drainage for a Leaking Sleeve Gastrectomy

- Laparoscopic Reversal of Mini Gastric Bypass

- Reversal of Gastric Bypass

- Laparoscopic Conversion of Eroded Gastric Band to Gastric Bypass

- Laparoscopic Conversion of Band to Bypass for Gastric Necrosis

- Laparoscopic Conversion of a Sleeve Leak to a Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

- Laparoscopic Conversion of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass to SIPS Procedure


DVD Content

- Chapter 1: Nissen Conversion

- Chapter 2: Robot Sleeve to Bypass

- Chapter 3: Perforated Ulcer

- Chapter 4: Robot SIPS

- Chapter 5: Stricturoplasty

- Chapter 6: Eroded Band

- Chapter 7: Gastrogastric Fistula

- Chapter 8: Sleeve Leak

- Chapter 9: Mini Gastric Bypass Reversal

- Chapter 10: Bypass Reversal

- Chapter 11: Eroded Band to Bypass

- Chapter 12: Necrosis

- Chapter 13: Sleeve Leak to a Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

- Chapter 14: RYGBY to SIPS


Diplomate in Obesity Medicine, Associate Professor of Surgery, Director Robotic Surgery, Medical University of South Carolina, Director Bariatric Surgery VISN-7, Charleston, South Carolina, USA

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