Randel / German / Ewing | The Reality of Aid 2000 | Buch | 978-1-84971-051-0 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 304 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 454 g

Reihe: Aid and Development Set

Randel / German / Ewing

The Reality of Aid 2000

An independent review of poverty reduction and development assistance

Buch, Englisch, 304 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 454 g

Reihe: Aid and Development Set

ISBN: 978-1-84971-051-0
Verlag: Taylor & Francis Ltd

The Reality of Aid 2000 looks at how the performance of OECD donor countries on aid and development cooperation has matched up to the challenge of eliminating absolute poverty.

The report charts some improvements at the level of donor policy and rhetoric. But its stark conclusion is that the potential of aid to combat poverty is constantly undermined by governments, both North and South, who fail to address the extreme inequalities of income and the structural, social and political injustices that entrench people in poverty.

Part I of The Reality of Aid 2000 presents an overview of poverty in the current global context and an analysis of
recent trends in aid - looking particularly at basic education. In Part II, chapters by experts from NGOs in
OECD countries and the European Union show how donor aid administrations approach poverty - and highlight the weakness of political commitment in the North to the needs of the poor. Part III sets out Southern perspectives on development cooperation. Part IV provides 'at a glance' comparisons of donors' aid outlook and commitment to development cooperation in the 21st century, poverty eradication, gender and public support.

Throughout the book, information is presented in easily interpreted diagrams and graphs.

The Reality of Aid has established itself as a unique source of independent evaluation and comment on aid policies and development. It is indispensable for all in the field, whether in the official or voluntary sectors, providing a regular reality check on just how much the international community is doing to realise the achievable goal of eliminating poverty.

'Indispensable. it gives you most of the hard facts you need to know about the major issues'
Nett-' Internationalist
'The most comprehensive and rigorous independent analysis of the aid and development policies of the world's wealthiest nations. Essential reading'
Charity World
'The Reality of Aid remains an essential purchase by the libraries of development institutions and an invaluable reference for development practitioners'
Development & Change
'A reliable 'watchdog' for anyone interested in this important aspect of international relations'
'An accessible reference. [it] encompasses many key issues and stimulates further research'
Commonwealth & Comparative Politics

Originally published in 1999
Randel / German / Ewing The Reality of Aid 2000 jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

List of boxes and tables
Foreword by Elin Enge
The Reality of Aid Project
Part I: The Reality of Aid versus the Reality of Poverty
World aid at a Glance
The context of International Development Cooperation by Humberfo Campodonico
Trends Towards the New Millennium by Judith Randel and Tony German
Trends in Basic Education by Anna Jellema
Part II A Review of Aid Donors
Australia by Garth Luke, ACFOA
Canada by Brian Tomlinson, CClC
Japan by Ahio Takayanagi, JANlC
New Zealand by Pat Webster, CID
Norway by Gunnar Garbo, NPA
Switzerland by Richard Gerster, Swiss Coalition
United States by Carol Lancastec InterAction
European Union by Mirjam van Reisen, Eurostep
Austria by Karin Kublbck, and Michael Obrovsky, OFSE
Belgium by Melanie Schellens, NCOS
Denmark by Bibi Tindec MS
Finland by Folke Sundman and Mark Waller, KePa
France by Olivier Blamangin, CRlD
Germany by Birgit Dederichs-Bain and Thomas Fues, DWHH and tdh
Ireland by Michael O'Brien, Concem Worldwide
Italy by Jose Luis Rhi-Sausi and Marco Zupi, Movimondo
The Netherlands by Caroline Wildeman, NOVlB
Portugal by Maria do Ceu Ferro, OlKOS
Spain by Gonzalo Faniul, Intermon
Sweden by Svante Sandberg, Forum Syd
United Kingdom by Mark Curtis and Anna Jefferys, ActionAid
Part Ill Perspectives from the South on Development Cooperation
Latin America: the Economy and the Environment Collapse on the Region's Poorest People
by Humberto Campodonico, DESCO, and Mariano Valderrama, CEPES
Latin America: Cooperation and Basic Education by ALOP
Africa: Aid, Debt and Development by Twisema S Muyoya, MWENGO
Uganda: Poverty and Basic Education by Tumutegyereize Kenneo): Uganda Debt Network
Zambia: Trends in Donor Support to Education by Allast Mwanza
India: because the Market Tells them so by Binu S Thomas, ActionAid India
Part IV Donors Compared At a Glance
The Outlook for Aid
Donor Responses to International Development Goals and Shaping the 21st Century
Donor Government Policies and Poverty Reduction
Making Sure that Every Dollar Contributes to Poverty Eradication
Measuring Aid for Poverty Reduction
Donor Policies and Actions on Basic Education
Donor Approaches to Gender
Political and Public Opinion in Donor Countries
Government Funding for Information, Public Relations and Development Education
Part V Reference Section
Participating Agencies
Source Notes
Exchange Rates

Randel, Judith; German, Tony; Ewing, Deborah

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