Rehder | Bioinorganic Chemistry | Buch | 978-0-19-965519-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 240 Seiten, Format (B × H): 184 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 432 g


Bioinorganic Chemistry

Buch, Englisch, 240 Seiten, Format (B × H): 184 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 432 g

ISBN: 978-0-19-965519-9
Verlag: OUP Oxford

Bioinorganic chemistry lies at the interface of inorganic chemistry and biochemistry, and explores the function of inorganic species in living systems - from the iron that helps our red blood cells transport oxygen to our tissues, to the calcium that forms an integral part of our bones.

In his book, Rehder provides a broad overview of this dynamic field, reviewing the key chemical elements that have important biological function, and exploring how the chemistry of these elements is central to the function of biological systems.

With sidebars that both review underlying principles of importance to the subject - including the concepts of magnetism and chirality - and discuss some of the analytical approaches that have enabled us to elucidate the biological role of the chemical elements, Bioinorganic Chemistry is the ideal resource for those discovering the field for the first time, and who need a clear, balanced account of the subject.

Online Resource Centre
The Online Resource Centre to accompany Bioinorganic Chemistry features figures from the book in electronic format, for use in lecture slides and other teaching materials.
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Undergraduates and beginning graduate students studying biological inorganic chemistry as part of a broader chemistry or biochemistry degree programme.


Weitere Infos & Material

1: Bio-Elements in the Periodic Table
2: Pre-Life and Early Life Forms; extremophiles
3: The Alkaline and Alkaline Earth Metals
3.1: Overview
3.2: Ion Channels
3.3: Sodium and Potassium
3.4: Magnesium
3.5: Calcium
4: Iron: General Features of its Inorganic Chemistry and Biochemistry
4.1: General, and Aqueous Chemistry
4.2: Mobilization, Transport, Delivery, and Mineralization of Iron
5: Oxygen Transport and the Respiratory Chain
5.1: Oxygen and oxygen transport by haemoglobin and myoglobin
5.2: Oxygen transport by hemerythrin and haemocyanin
5.3: The Respiratory Chain
6: Oxidoreductases Based on Iron, Manganese, and Copper
6.1: Ribonucleotide Reductases
6.2: Superoxide dismutases, superoxide Reductases, and peroxidases
6.3: Oxygenases and oxidases
7: Oxo-transfer Proteins Based on Molybdenum, Tungsten, and Vanadium
7.1: Molybdo- and Tungsto-pyranopterins
7.1.1: The Xanthine Oxidase Family
7.1.2: The Sulfite Oxidase Family
7.1.3: The Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) Reductase Family
7.2: Vanadate-dependent Haloperoxidases
7.3: Model Chemistry
8: The Sulfur Cycle
8.1: Environmental Sulfur Cycling
8.2: Biogenic Metabolism of Sulfur
9: Nitrogenase and Nitrogen Cycle Enzymes
9.1: Overview and Native Nitrogenase
9.2: Nitrogenase Models and Model Reactions
9.3: Denitrification
9.4: Nitric Oxide
10: The Methane Cycle and Nickel Enzymes
10.1: Introduction
10.2: Methanogenesis
10.3: Biogenic Oxidation of Methane
10.4: Nickel Enzymes not Involved in Methane Metabolism
11: Photosynthesis
11.1: Overview
11.2: The Reaction Pathway
11.3: Modeling Photosynthesis
12: The Biochemistry of Zinc
12.1: An Overview of Zinc
12.2: Zinc Enzymes
12.2.1: Carboanhydrases
12.2.2: Hydrolases
12.2.3: Alcohol Dehydrogenase
12.3: The Role of Zinc in the Transcription of Genes
12.4: Thioneins
13: Metal- and Metalloid-Carbon Bonds
13.1: Organometallic Compounds of Transition Metals
13.2: Carbon Bonds to Main Group Metals and Metalloids
14: Inorganics in Medicine
14.1: Metals and Metalloids: An Introduction
14.2: Dysfunction of Iron and Copper Homeostasis
14.2.1: Iron
14.2.2: Copper
14.3: Metals and Metalloids in Therapy
14.3.1: Historical and General Notes
14.3.2: Treatment of Arthritis with Gold Compounds
14.3.3: Cancer Treatment
14.3.4: Further Metal Based Medications
14.3.5: Radiopharmaceuticals
14.4: Metals and Metalloids in Diagnostic Imaging
14.5: The Toxic and Therapeutic Potential of CO, NO and H2S

Dieter Rehder is a Professor in the Institute of Inorganic and Applied Chemistry, University of Hamburg where his main fields of research include organometallic, bioinorganic and medicinal chemistry (of vanadium), oxido- and sulfidometal clusters, and metal NMR. Dieter was winner of the Vanadis Award 2006 for outstanding research in the field of vanadium chemistry.

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