Rysinski / Zawislak / Zawislak | Graph-Based Modelling in Science, Technology and Art | Buch | 978-3-030-76789-1 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Band 107, 310 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 487 g

Reihe: Mechanisms and Machine Science

Rysinski / Zawislak / Zawislak

Graph-Based Modelling in Science, Technology and Art

Buch, Englisch, Band 107, 310 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 487 g

Reihe: Mechanisms and Machine Science

ISBN: 978-3-030-76789-1
Verlag: Springer International Publishing

This book presents interdisciplinary, cutting-edge and creative applications of graph theory and modeling in science, technology, architecture and art. Topics are divided into three parts: the first one examines mechanical problems related to gears, planetary gears and engineering installations; the second one explores graph-based methods applied to medical analyses as well as biological and chemical modeling; and the third part includes various topics e.g. drama analysis, aiding of design activities and network visualisation. The authors represent several countries in Europe and America, and their contributions show how different, useful and fruitful the utilization of graphs in modelling of engineering systems can be. The book has been designed to serve readers interested in the subject of graph modelling and those with expertise in related areas, as well as members of the worldwide community of graph modelers.
Rysinski / Zawislak / Zawislak Graph-Based Modelling in Science, Technology and Art jetzt bestellen!



Weitere Infos & Material

Graph-based modeling in technology especially in mechanical engineering and logistics.- Graph based-modelling in science especially in medicine and chemistry.- Graph-based modeling in art, design and network modeling.

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