S. Rowson / Sloan | Personal Leadership in the Age of No Retirement | Buch | 978-3-11-131444-0 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 200 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm

Reihe: ISSN

S. Rowson / Sloan

Personal Leadership in the Age of No Retirement

Buch, Englisch, 200 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm

Reihe: ISSN

ISBN: 978-3-11-131444-0
Verlag: De Gruyter

Today, we live longer and often healthier lives than ever before. Our increased longevity has given rise to a new life stage in between early and late adulthood. This change in life expectancy is transforming how we, as individuals, think about work and how organisations think about us as workers. Major global events such as the Covid pandemic, climate change and political transitions have accelerated a shift in societal attitudes towards work, health and wellbeing, and our expectations around retirement. We are moving into a new reality where work and life choices are more fluid and individualised -- the "age of no retirement". This book introduces a sustainable personal leadership development approach that is fit for purpose in this new era. A model that is flexible, inclusive, and emphasises the need for recalibration of personal leadership goals and actions for sustainable and fulfilling working lives. Personal Leadership in the Age of No Retirement provides scientific research insights combined with practical strategies and will help business executives, professionals, and the general reader reflect on their career journey to date and personal developmental needs so they can plan purposeful and meaningful actions to unlock the next chapter successfully.
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Dr Tatiana S. Rowson is Associate Professor in Organisational Behaviour at Henley Business School. She teaches personal leadership development to students in the Henley MBA and undergraduate programmes. Tatiana is the Programme Area Director for Business and Management and is a member of the Henley Centre for Leadership. Her research interests encompass ageing, work, and employment, with a particular focus on how midlife transitions impact health, wellbeing, and economic activity in late career. Before joining academia, Tatiana worked as an organisational psychologist and executive coach for several high-profile organisations in the UK, Brazil, and the United Arab Emirates. Dr Kelly Sloan is Associate Professor of Leadership at Henley Business School. She teaches personal leadership development to students in the Henley MBA programme and is a member of the Henley Centre for Leadership. Kelly leads a team which is responsible for student wellbeing and performance, and previously served as the Programme Director for the Henley MBA programmes. Before moving into management education, Kelly taught linguistics at universities in the US, Australia, and Germany. Having successfully pursued three separate careers, in two distinct academic fields and in management, she has first-hand knowledge of mid-career changes, which informs her research interests in career development at later life stages.

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