Saba / Suri | Multi-Detector CT Imaging | Buch | 978-1-4398-9380-7 |

Buch, Englisch, 583 Seiten, Format (B × H): 221 mm x 286 mm, Gewicht: 1854 g

Saba / Suri

Multi-Detector CT Imaging

Principles, Head, Neck, and Vascular Systems

Buch, Englisch, 583 Seiten, Format (B × H): 221 mm x 286 mm, Gewicht: 1854 g

ISBN: 978-1-4398-9380-7
Verlag: Taylor & Francis Inc

Developments in CT technology during the last 20 years have impressively improved its diagnostic potentialities. Part of a two-volume set that covers all aspects of CT imaging, Multi-Detector CT Imaging: Principles, Head, Neck, and Vascular Systems contains easily searchable clinical specialty chapters that provide specific information without need of an index. The coverage goes far beyond just a "how-to" or an encyclopedia of findings, however. The authors have uniformly put techniques, clinical findings, pathologic disease presentations, and clinical implications of imaging findings in practical perspective.

This Volume Features:

- Discusses technical principles, CT perfusion, contrast media, postprocessing and clinical applications, and radiation dose

- Covers imaging of the neck and brain, including paranasal sinuses and the ear, brain tumors, neurodegenerative diseases, CNS infection, and head trauma

- Examines how to use CT data for planning cardiovascular procedures

- Includes coverage of pathologies of the pericardium and CT venography

- Presents information on clinical applications in lung disease

With the critical role CT plays and the rapid innovations in computer technology, it is no wonder that advances in the capabilities and complexity of CT imaging continue to evolve. While information about these developments may be scattered about in journals and other resources, this two-volume set provides an authoritative, up-to-date, and educational reference that covets the entire spectrum of CT.
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Academic and Professional Practice & Development


Weitere Infos & Material

General Principles Technical Principles of Computed Tomography, Michael M. Lell and Christianne Leidecker CT Perfusion: Principles, Implementations, and Clinical Applications, Aaron So, Errol E. Stewart, Christopher D. d'Esterre, Timothy Pok Chi Yeung, Glenn Bauman, Nikolaj K. G. Jensen, Eugene Wong, and Ting-Yim Lee Contrast Media in Computed Tomography Imaging, Yousef W. Nielsen and Henrik S. Thomsen Computed Tomography Angiography: Postprocessing Methods and Clinical Applications, Zhonghua Sun Radiation Dose in Computed Tomography, Kosuke Matsubara Neck-Brain Imaging of the Paranasal Sinuses and Ear, Thomas J. Vogl and Ahmed M. Tawfik Head and Neck, Irfan Celebi Computed Tomography Imaging of Brain Tumors, Jonathan K. Park and Whitney Pope Computed Tomography Imaging of Stroke, Angelika Hoffmann and Max Wintermark Neurodegenerative Diseases, Asim K. Bag, Joel K. Cure, and Philip R. Chapman Central Nervous System Infection, Asim K. Bag, Shehanaz Ellika, and Surjith Vattoth Head Trauma, Eytan Raz and Pier Luigi Di Paolo Cardiovascular System Coronary Artery Imaging, Robert Donnino and Monvadi B. Srichai Cardiovascular CT Imaging of Valvular Structure and Myocardial Perfusion: Anatomic and Functional CT Data for the Planning of Cardiovascular Procedures, Kheng-Thye Ho and Paul Schoenhagen Pathologies of the Pericardium, Samuel Boynton and Philip A. Araoz Pulmonary Embolism and Pulmonary Hypertension, Tobias De Zordo, Karoline Netzer, Gudrun Feuchtner, and Werner Jaschke Computed Tomography of Carotid and Vertebral Arteries, Luca Saba CT of the Aorta and Splanchnic Vessels, Jorge M. Fuentes-Orrego, Rocio Perez-Johnston, and Dushyant V. Sahani Peripheral CT Angiography of the Lower and Upper Limbs, Michele Anzidei, Eugenio Marotta, Luca Bertaccini, Alessandro Napoli, and Carlo Catalano CT Venography, Michele Anzidei, Goffredo Serra, Francesco Fraioli, and Carlo Catalano Thorax and Mediastinum Infective Pathology of the Lung, Jeffrey P. Kanne Interstitial Lung Disease, Irene Ariozzi, Carmelinda Manna, Eleonora Zambrini, Antonio Pavarani, and Nicola Sverzellati Pulmonary Neoplasms of the Lung, Jin Mo Goo Pathologies of the Mediastinum, Ahmed Abdel Khalek Abdel Razek Index

Luca Saba, University of Cagliari, Italy. Jasjit S. Suri, Global Biomedical Technologies Inc, Roseville USA.

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