Saldamarco / Stevens | Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2008 | Buch | 978-3-540-89221-2 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 5309, 244 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 394 g

Reihe: Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI

Saldamarco / Stevens

Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2008

7th International Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, September 25-27, 2008, Proceedings

Buch, Englisch, Band 5309, 244 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 394 g

Reihe: Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI

ISBN: 978-3-540-89221-2
Verlag: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

The 7th International Conference on Entertainment Computing, under the auspices of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), was held September 25–27, 2008 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Based on the very successful first international workshop (IWEC 2002) and the following international conferences (ICEC 2003 through ICEC 2007), ICEC 2008 was an international forum for the exchange of experience and knowledge amongst researchers and developers in the field of entertainment computing. ICEC is the longest established and most prestigious conference in the field of entertainment computing. The conference provides an interdisciplinary forum for advanced research in entertainment computing, broadly defined. ICEC is truly international with leading experts from 14 nations representing academia and industry attending this year’s conference. These leaders presented their newest research, insights, products and demonstrations. Although the field of entertainment computing is thought of as new, in fact modern digital computer games go back over 45 years with games such as Spacewar developed in 1961. This is not to say entertainment computing is limited to computer games. As evidenced by papers in this volume, entertainment computing covers virtually every aspect of today’s recreational diversions.
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Weitere Infos & Material

How I Learned to Love the Bomb: Defcon and the Ethics of Computer Games.- How I Learned to Love the Bomb: Defcon and the Ethics of Computer Games.- When Items Become Victims: Brand Memory in Violent and Nonviolent Games.- Immersion, the Greatest Hook.- Newsgames: Theory and Design.- Agents That Relate: Improving the Social Believability of Non-Player Characters in Role-Playing Games.- A Surround Display Warp-Mesh Utility to Enhance Player Engagement.- Development and Evaluation of a Centaur Robot.- Analysis of Japanese Folktales for the Purpose of Story Generation.- Strategic Path Planning on the Basis of Risk vs. Time.- Fear Inducer: A Mixed Reality Audio Experience.- Game Bot Detection Based on Avatar Trajectory.- Achievement of Carrying Objects by Small-Sized Humanoid Robot.- Interactive Multimedia Contents in the IllusionHole.- Creating an Emotionally Adaptive Game.- Robust Interactive Storytelling Framework for Automatic TV Content/Story Production.- Designing Toys That Come Alive: Curious Robots for Creative Play.- Musical B-boying: A Wearable Musical Instrument by Dancing.- Hybrid Visual Tracking for Augmented Books.- Towards Emotional Characters in Computer Games.- Sense Cup: A Design of a New Interactive Holistic Sense Convergence Device for Digital Storytelling.- Frame Selection for Automatic Comic Generation from Game Log.- Conscientious Objector: Pacifism, Politics and Abusing the Player in Doom 3.- Experiences Employing Novice Wizard Operators in a Gallery Setting.- Fast Rendering of Large Crowds Using GPU.- Physiological Player Sensing: New Interaction Devices for Video Games.- Hitch Haiku: An Interactive Supporting System for Composing Haiku Poem.- Posters.- Dome Displays for Educational Games and Activities in the Museum and on the Road.- Game-Based Simulation for the Evaluation of Threat Detection in a Seaport Environment.- BCI for Games: A ‘State of the Art’ Survey.- In-Depth Observation of Video Gamers.- BioMedia for Entertainment.

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