Shahi | Role of Signaling Pathways in Brain Tumorigenesis | Buch | 978-981-15-8472-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 218 Seiten, HC runder Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 560 g


Role of Signaling Pathways in Brain Tumorigenesis

Buch, Englisch, 218 Seiten, HC runder Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 560 g

ISBN: 978-981-15-8472-5
Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

This book provides acomprehensive overview of cell signalling pathways and morphogens in the genesis of brain tumours. It also explains the role of brain tumour stem cells in the brain tumour progression. It also elucidates the novel early biomarkers that can be utilized to diagnose brain tumours. It presents the basic developmental pathways and morphogens, including retinoic acid and TGF-b that promote brain tumorigenesis. The chapters illustrate the role of stem cells and stem cells mediated cell signalling pathways including, Sonic hedgehog, Notch, Wnt in the brain tumour growth. The chapters also emphasize the role of transcription factors, mainlyNanog, Sox, BMI1, HIF1 and Pax6 in the brain tumouriogensis. It highlights the role of NF-kb, Myc and neurotrophins in the brain tumour development. Finally, the book summarizes the potential early therapeutic targets and targeted drug discovery for brain tumours.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction of Cell signalling Pathways and Brain Tumours.- Wnt cell signalling pathway and brain tumours development.- Notch cell signalling pathway and Brain Tumours.- Shh cell signalling pathway and paediatric brain tumour “Medulloblastoma”.- Role of Shh cell signalling pathway in “glioma”.- Role of stem cell marker NANOG in brain tumours development.- Stem cell factor Sox2 and Brain Tumours Development.- Role of Neurotrophins in brain tumor development.- Role of NFkß in brain tumour development.- Role of Myc in brain tumours development.- Role of P53 in Medulloblastoma Development.- Role of Gene TP53 in glioblastoma development.- Role of HIF-1 in Brain Tumour Development.- EGFR and its role in glioma development.- Role of EFGR in medulloblastoma development.- Role of OCT4 in glioblastoma development.- Role of OCT4 in paediatric brain tumour “medulloblastoma” development.- Role of Mitogen activated protein (MAP) Kinase in paediatric brain tumour “medulloblastoma”

Dr. Mehdi Hayat Shahi is an Assistant Professor at the Interdisciplinary Brain Research Centre, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. Before joining AMU, he was a postdoctoral fellow at University of California, Davis, USA from 2010-2014. He was also an instructor at the University California Davis besides his postdoctoral research. From 2009-2010, he worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. His current research interests are focused on molecular neuro-oncology. Towards this pursuit, he is exploring the early stem cell biomarkers that can be utilized for the early diagnosis of brain tumours and other neurodegenerative diseases. He has been honored with many prestigious awards notably, Farah Deeba Award from the Indian Academy of Biomedical Sciences for an outstanding researcher in biomedical sciences, Outstanding Scientist Award for Neuro-oncology research from the Venus International Foundation. He has also served as a referee for thenumber of international journals, including, PLoS One and Tumour Biology. He has 12 years of research experience in molecular brain tumour biology and 4 years of teaching experience.
He has published more than 21 research articles in the peer-reviewed international journals and co-authored two book chapters. He has served as a Co-chair of the Post-doctoral Scholar Association, University of California, USA, from 2013-2014. He is a member of many International Scientific Societies and Organizations importantly International Society for Neurochemistry, Indian Academy of Neurosciences, Indian Association for Cancer Research, and Indian Academy of Biomedical Sciences.

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