Sharp | The Thriving Artist | Buch | 978-1-138-80917-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 208 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 226 mm, Gewicht: 277 g


The Thriving Artist

Saving and Investing for Performers, Artists, and the Stage & Film Industries

Buch, Englisch, 208 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 226 mm, Gewicht: 277 g

ISBN: 978-1-138-80917-8
Verlag: Taylor & Francis

The old cliché about the "starving" artist may have a basis in reality, but it isn’t set in stone! The Thriving Artist provides valuable advice for the performing artist, whether you’re an actor, dancer, lighting guru, costumer, or stagehand, on investing, saving, and building a diversified and stable financial portfolio. Written specifically for artists who have fluctuating, uncertain, and sometimes limited streams of income, this book promotes an understanding of finances and the investment world for the artist by offering clear, basic explanations of how finances work and instruction on how to participate in them as an investor. It also provides unique strategies for integrating financial awareness and planning into your life as an artist, and how that can help to provide a better sense of financial security. With The Thriving Artist, author David Maurice Sharp guides you with unflappable good humor through the tricky financial waters that come with following your passion.
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General and Professional Practice & Development


Weitere Infos & Material

List of Tables

Foreward by Edith Meeks



1. Having Choices

2. Six Basic Financial Habits

3. A Brief Discussion of Risk

4. The Raw Fundamentals

5. Tax Talk

6. All About Cash

7. Banks & Credit Unions

8. Your Cash Stash

9. First Intermission

10. The Basics of Bonds: Bonding

11. US Treasury Bonds: Uncle Sam Wants You

12. Municipal Bonds: Keeping It Local

13. Corporate Bonds: Gems and Junk

14. Second Intermission

15. The Basics of Stock: Stocking Up

16. Accrual Securities: A Snowball Called Compounding

17. Brokerage Firms: Take My Order, Please

18. Choosing Individual Stocks: Going Shopping

19. Stock Analysis: The Dreaded Data

20. Third Intermission

21. Mutual Funds: The Basic Ingredients

22. Mutual Funds: The Flavors

23. Exchange Traded Funds: A Different Kind of ET

24. Fourth Intermission

25. Retirement Planning

26. Intro to Insurance: Countering Risky Business

27. Investment Strategies: Climbing Up the Ladder and More

28. Some Practical Applications for Investing

29. Union Benefits

30. Financial Advisers and Financial Planners

31. Closing Comments: Curtain Call


David Maurice Sharp is a Lecturer at HB Studio, one of the original acting conservatories in New York City, holding financial planning and investment workshops. As a financial professional, he was the Director of the Public Securities Group for KCC LLC New York branch and a Vice President of Epiq Systems – Financial Balloting Group LLC. He is also an actor, dancer, and choreographer, having guest taught classes at universities including NYU’s Tisch Graduate Film School.

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