Shavers | Placing the Suspect Behind the Keyboard | Buch | 978-1-59749-985-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 320 Seiten, Format (B × H): 189 mm x 236 mm, Gewicht: 516 g


Placing the Suspect Behind the Keyboard

Using Digital Forensics and Investigative Techniques to Identify Cybercrime Suspects

Buch, Englisch, 320 Seiten, Format (B × H): 189 mm x 236 mm, Gewicht: 516 g

ISBN: 978-1-59749-985-9
Verlag: Syngress Media,U.S.

Placing the Suspect Behind the Keyboard is the definitive book on conducting a complete investigation of a cybercrime using digital forensics techniques as well as physical investigative procedures. This book merges a digital analysis examiner's work with the work of a case investigator in order to build a solid case to identify and prosecute cybercriminals.

Brett Shavers links traditional investigative techniques with high tech crime analysis in a manner that not only determines elements of crimes, but also places the suspect at the keyboard. This book is a first in combining investigative strategies of digital forensics analysis processes alongside physical investigative techniques in which the reader will gain a holistic approach to their current and future cybercrime investigations.
Shavers Placing the Suspect Behind the Keyboard jetzt bestellen!


<p>Information Security professionals of all levels, digital forensic examiners and investigators, IT managers, InfoSec consultants, criminologists, sociologists, attorneys, law enforcement officers, Also can sell to forensic training vendors, government training courses, and high-tech crime associations.</p>


Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. High Tech Interview

Chapter 3. Physical Investigations

Chapter 4. Technical Investigations

Chapter 5. Putting it all Together

Chapter 6. Investigative Case Management

Chapter 7. Case Presentation

Chapter 8. Cheat Sheets and Quickstart Guides

Chapter 9. Some Things will Become Easier, Others Not So Much

Chapter 10. Online Investigations

Chapter 11. Case Studies

Shavers, Brett
Brett Shavers is a former law enforcement officer of a municipal police department. He has been an investigator assigned to state and federal task forces. Besides working many specialty positions, Brett was the first digital forensics examiner at his police department, attended over 2000 hours of forensic training courses across the country, collected more than a few certifications along the way, and set up the department's first digital forensics lab in a small, cluttered storage closet.

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