Simonovic | Floods in a Changing Climate | Buch | 978-1-107-01874-7 |

Buch, Englisch, 194 Seiten, Format (B × H): 222 mm x 282 mm, Gewicht: 786 g

Reihe: International Hydrology Series


Floods in a Changing Climate

Risk Management

Buch, Englisch, 194 Seiten, Format (B × H): 222 mm x 282 mm, Gewicht: 786 g

Reihe: International Hydrology Series

ISBN: 978-1-107-01874-7
Verlag: Cambridge University Press

Flood risk management is presented in this book as a framework for identifying, assessing and prioritizing climate-related risks and developing appropriate adaptation responses. Rigorous assessment is employed to determine the available probabilistic and fuzzy set-based analytic tools, when each is appropriate and how to apply them to practical problems. Academic researchers in the fields of hydrology, climate change, environmental science and policy and risk assessment, and professionals and policy-makers working in hazard mitigation, water resources engineering and environmental economics, will find this an invaluable resource. This volume is the fourth in a collection of four books on flood disaster management theory and practice within the context of anthropogenic climate change. The others are: Floods in a Changing Climate: Extreme Precipitation by Ramesh Teegavarapu, Floods in a Changing Climate: Hydrologic Modeling by P. P. Mujumdar and D. Nagesh Kumar and Floods in a Changing Climate: Inundation Modelling by Giuliano Di Baldassarre.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Forewords; Preface; Acknowledgements; Glossary; List of acronyms; Part I. Setting the Stage: 1. Flood risk management; 2. Climate change and risk of flooding; 3. Risk management as adaptation to climate change; Part II. Flood Risk Management - Probabilistic Approach: 4. Risk management - probabilistic approach; Part III. Flood Risk Management - Fuzzy Set Approach: 5. Risk management - fuzzy set approach; Part IV. Future Perspectives: 6. Future perspectives; References; Index.

Simonovic, Slobodan P
Slobodan P. Simonovic has over thirty years of research, teaching and consulting experience in water resources engineering and has received a number of awards for excellence in teaching, research and outreach. Most of his research is being conducted through the Facility for Intelligent Decision Support (FIDS) at the University of Western Ontario, where he is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Director of Engineering Studies with the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction. His primary research focus is on the application of systems approach to, and development of the decision support tools for, management of complex water and environmental systems and the integration of risk, reliability, uncertainty, simulation and optimization in hydrology and water resources management. Dr Simonovic teaches courses in civil engineering and water resources systems, plays an active role in national and international professional organizations and has been invited to present special courses for practising water resources engineers in many countries. He is Associate Editor of the Journal of Flood Risk Management and Water Resources Management and has published over 350 articles and two major textbooks.

Slobodan Simonovic has over thirty years of research, teaching and consulting experience in water resources engineering and has received a number of awards for excellence in teaching, research and outreach. Most of his research is being conducted through the Facility for Intelligent Decision Support (FIDS) at the University of Western Ontario, where he is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Director of Engineering Studies with the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction. His primary research focus is on the application of systems approach to, and development of the decision support tools for, management of complex water and environmental systems and the integration of risk, reliability, uncertainty, simulation and optimization in hydrology and water resources management. Dr Simonovic teaches courses in civil engineering and water resources systems, plays an active role in national and international professional organizations and has been invited to present special courses for practising water resources engineers in many countries. He is Associate Editor of the Journal of Flood Risk Management and Water Resources Management and has published over 350 articles and two major textbooks.

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