Simpson / Tautz | Goethe Yearbook 28 | Buch | 978-1-64014-095-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 404 Seiten, Print PDF, Format (B × H): 150 mm x 231 mm, Gewicht: 726 g

Reihe: Goethe Yearbook

Simpson / Tautz

Goethe Yearbook 28

Buch, Englisch, 404 Seiten, Print PDF, Format (B × H): 150 mm x 231 mm, Gewicht: 726 g

Reihe: Goethe Yearbook

ISBN: 978-1-64014-095-0
Verlag: Boydell & Brewer

This volume's Forum section focuses on new directions in eighteenth-century German studies, alongside articles on a diverse range of topics concerning Goethe and the literature and arts of his age.

The Goethe Yearbook is a publication of the Goethe Society of North America, showcasing North American and international scholarship on Goethe and other authors and aspects of the Goethezeit. Volume 28 features articles on several of Goethe's signature works (Xenien, Wahlverwandtschaften, Faust), unified by their innovative approaches. It also includes a Forum section seeking to prompt discussion of new directions in eighteenth-century German studies. An essay documenting Goethe's engagement with China and another on Goethe's legacy in post-WWII Argentina emphasize these new directions. Other essays highlight Goethe's inter-arts approaches (music,theater, collecting); interdisciplinary intersections of eighteenth-century literary studies with gender and social history; media theory; and renewed emphasis on materialism. The latter is the focus of a recently convened collaboration on early nineteenth-century inventories presented in this volume. The customary book review section rounds out the volume.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Eclectic Dichotomies in K. P. Moritz's Aesthetic, Pedagogical, and Therapeutic Worlds
Sturm und Drang Comedy and the Enlightenment Tradition
Heaven Help Us! Journals! Calendars!: Goethe and Schiller's Xenien as Circulatory Intervention
Between Nanjing and Weimar: Goethe's Metaphysical Correspondences
Projection and Concealment: Goethe's Introduction of the Mask to the Weimar Stage
Embarrassment and Individual Identity in Goethe's Wahlverwandtschaften
The Daisy Oracle: A New Gretchenfrage in Goethe's Faust
Goethes Der Zauberflöte zweyter Theil als Bruch: Zur Semantik des Zauberbegriffs im ausgehenden 18. Jahrhundert
"Ächt antike Denkmale"?: Goethe and the Hemsterhuis Gem Collection
Bestseller und Erlebniskultur: Neue medienästhetische Ansätze bei Gisbert Ter-Nedden und Robert Vellusig verdeutlicht an Romanadaptionen von Franz von Heufeld
Papierdenken: Blasche, Fröbel, and the Lessons of Nineteenth-Century Paper Modeling
The Men Who Knew Too Much: Reading Goethe's "Erlkönig" in Light of Hitchcock
Genius and Bloodsucker: Napoleon, Goethe, and Caroline de la Motte Fouqué
Instrument or Inspiration? Commemorating the 1949 Goethe Year in Argentina
Media Inventories of the Nineteenth Century: A Report from Two Workshops
Introduction: Directions in Eighteenth-Century German Studies
Medical Humanities and the Eighteenth Century
Disability Studies and New Directions in Eighteenth-Century German Studies
Goethe's Talking Books: Print Culture and the Problem of Literary Orality
Three Observations and Three Possible Directions: Musical and Eighteenth-Century Studies
Lessing and Kotzebue: A Black Studies Approach to Reading the Eighteenth Century
Law and Literature: Codes as Colonizing Texts and Legal Ideas in Anthropocene Works
Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Migrant? or Debunking the Myth of 1955
"Goethe Boom" Films: Bildung Reloaded
Book Reviews

Simpson, Patricia Anne
PATRICIA ANNE SIMPSON is Professor of German at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Krimmer, Elisabeth
ELISABETH KRIMMER is Professor of German at the University of California, Davis.

Tautz, Birgit
BIRGIT TAUTZ is George Taylor Files Professor of Modern Languages and German at Bowdoin College.

Franzel, Sean
SEAN FRANZEL is Associate Professor of German at the University of Missouri-Columbia, MO.

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