Smith II / Smith | Human Rights and Biomedicine | Buch | 978-90-411-1447-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 244 Seiten, GB, Format (B × H): 168 mm x 246 mm, Gewicht: 508 g

Smith II / Smith

Human Rights and Biomedicine

Buch, Englisch, 244 Seiten, GB, Format (B × H): 168 mm x 246 mm, Gewicht: 508 g

ISBN: 978-90-411-1447-1
Verlag: Wolters Kluwer

The eight chapters within this volume are structured around an exploration of the fundamental issues in the field of biomedical human rights:

  • dignity and autonomy in not only procreative liberties but throughout the complete cycle of life and death
  • the freedom of scientific inquiry into the new biotechnological methods of collaborative reproduction
  • the right to genetic integrity at birth and throughout life
  • the equitable right to health or access to health care benefits during life and old age

    All these central issues are tested, of necessity, but utilitarian principles which, in turn, force the templates for decision making, evaluate the gravity of harm deriving from a particular human right and its recognition and enforcement measured against the utility of the social, economic, or cultural good accruing from recognition of such a right in the first instance. Ultimately, cultural relativism will be seen--more often than universality--as the determinative point of balance.

    This volume not only informs the ongoing debate on the role of human rights in biomedicine, but will also provide enlightened responses to the troublesome issues presented in this new age of biotechnology.

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    Weitere Infos & Material

    1. Universal Human Rights and Biomedicine in Context.
    2. Scientific Freedom, Fetal Experimentation, and Collaborative Reproduction.
    3. Reproductive Freedoms or Responsibilities.
    4. The Developmentally Disabled.
    5. Genetic Enhancement or Eugenic Improvement.
    6. Safeguarding Genetic Integrity.
    7. Elder Health Care.
    8. The Last Right - Natural Death or Assisted Suicide.
    About the Author.

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