Smith | Rivington's Building Construction | Buch | 978-1-873394-66-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 1376 Seiten, Format (B × H): 163 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 3432 g


Rivington's Building Construction

Buch, Englisch, 1376 Seiten, Format (B × H): 163 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 3432 g

ISBN: 978-1-873394-66-3
Verlag: Taylor & Francis Ltd

When this series first appeared in 1875 it was considered the best textbook on the subject, as it provided comprehensive coverage of all aspects of building construction work. This new reprint of the revised 1904 edition, in three volumes, contains over 1,350 pages of text and useful line drawings. Volume 1 covers brickwork, carpentry and roofing, giving detailed practical guidance on all aspects of the work and offering definitions of the terms used. Volume 2 includes sections on joinery, stairs and floors with Volume 3 providing detailed information on materials, including stone, brickwork, lime and paint.
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Volume 1 Walling and arches - Walls, Arches, Parts of walls, Apertures in walls, Wood built into walls; Brickwork - Different bonds, Junction of walls at right angles, Gauged work, Brick arches, Arches over openings in external walls, Arches over openings in internal walls, Jambs of window and door openings, Parts of brick walls; Masonry - Walling, Stone arches, Joints and connections, Dressings;Brickwork and masonry - Compound walls, Prevention of damp in walls, Joints, Various bonds, Brick drains and sewers, Chimneys; Carpentry - Joints, Fastenings; Carpentry - Floors; Carpentry - Timber beams, Curved ribs, Trussed timber girders; Carpentry - Partitions; Carpentry - Centres; Carpentry - Timber roofs, Different forms, Scantlings, Parts of a King-post roof, Roofs of wood and iron combined, Parts of a Queen-post roof, Roofs of various shapes and their parts, Tredgold's rules for scantling of roof timbers, Best forms of roof for different spans; Roof coverings; Slating; Plumber's work; Steel and iron girders - Cast-iron girders, bressummers and cantilevers, Steel or iron girders, Steel skeleton construction; Riveting; Steel or iron roofs - Roofs with straight rafters, Parts of iron trusses; Index; Volume 2 Foundations; Excavations - Shoring, Scaffolding; Plumbing and sanitation; Sanitary fittings; Joinery - Joints, Framing, Doors, Windows, Window frames, Mouldings, Joints, Linings, Shutters, Skylights and lanterns; Stairs - Different forms of stairs, Stone stairs, Wooden stairs; Fireproof floors; Plasterer's work; Painting - Paperhanging, Glazing; Heating and ventilating buildings; Electric and gas lighting; Materials; Stresses in structures; Index. Volume 3 Stone - Characteristics of building stone, Examination of stone, Classification of stone, Granite, Igneous rocks other than granite, Slates, Serpentine, Sandstones, Limestones, Marbles, Compact limestones, Varieties of limestone in common use, Artificial stone, Preservation of stone, Tables illustrating the properties of different stones; Bricks, tiles, terra cotta - Bricks, Brickmaking, Burning, Classification of bricks, Varieties of brick, Characteristics of good bricks, Size and weight of bricks, Tests for bricks, Strength of bricks, Different forms of bricks, colouring bricks, Fireclay, Firebricks, Terra cotta, Stoneware, Pipes and miscellaneous clay wares; Limes, cements, mortar, concrete, plasters, and asphaltes - Terms in use, Cements, Scott's processes, Testing tensile strength, Lime and cement burning, Sand, Mortar, Concrete, Mortar-mixing and concrete-mixing machinery, Action of foreign constituents in limestones and cements, Efflorescence on walls, Plasters, Asphaltes, Whitening and colouring; Metals - Ores, Iron, Pig-iron Cast iron, Wrought iron, Tests for wrought iron, Descriptions and market forms of mild steel and wrought iron, Relative value of different forms of mild steel and wrought iron, Steel, Hardening Steel, Strength of cast iron, Wrought iron and steel, Safe or working stresses for cast iron, wrought iron and steel, Limit of elasticity, Elastic limit of cast iron, wrought iron and steel, Live and moving loads, Corrosion and preservation of iron and steel Copper, Lead, Zinc, Tin, Alloys, Solder, Tables; Timber - Market forms of Timber, Different kinds of timber, selection of timber, Seasoning timber, Decay of timber, Preservation of timber, Conversion of timber, Destruction of timber by worms and insects, Varieties of timber for different purposes, Strength of timber; Paints and varnishes - Bases, Vehicles, Linseed oil, Poppy oil, Oil of Turpentine, Driers, Colouring pigments, Blues, Lakes, Uses of pigments, Proportions of ingredients in mixed paints, Zinc paint, Coloured paints, Special paints, General paints, Varnish, Ingredients of varnish, Different kinds of varnish, Recipes for varnishes; Glass - Crown glass, Sheet glass, British plate glass, British polished glass, British polished plate glass, perforated glass, Cathedral glass, Other glass; Paperhanging; Miscellaneous - Glue, Size, Knotting, Paste, Gold leaf, Putty, Rust cement, Laths, Vulcanised Indiarubber, Tar, Creosote, Felt, Asbestos, Willesden fabrics, Nails, Screws; Index.

Percy Major Smith

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