Spotted Eagle | Using Soundtrack: Produce Original Music for Video, DVD, and Multimedia | Buch | 978-1-138-46839-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 236 Seiten, Format (B × H): 196 mm x 239 mm, Gewicht: 780 g

Reihe: DV Expert Series

Spotted Eagle

Using Soundtrack: Produce Original Music for Video, DVD, and Multimedia

Buch, Englisch, 236 Seiten, Format (B × H): 196 mm x 239 mm, Gewicht: 780 g

Reihe: DV Expert Series

ISBN: 978-1-138-46839-9

Covering the basics of producing great audio tracks to accompany video projects, Using Soundtrack provides recording and editing tips and guidance on noise reduction tools, audio effects, and Final Cut Pro's powerful real-time audio mixer. Readers also learn how Soundtrack can be used to give video projects a professional finish with the addition of custom, royalty-free scoring. Theory is presented on a need-to-know basis and practical tutorials provide hands-on techniques for common tasks, including editing video to audio, editing audio to video, changing the length of a music bed, editing dialog, and mixing dialog with music and sound effects. The accompanying downloadable resources include tutorial lessons and sample media.
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Professional Practice & Development


Weitere Infos & Material

Foreword -- Introduction -- Soundtrack Is a Musical Bulldozer -- Who Did I Write This Book For? -- What Is on the CD in the Back of the Book? -- Fade Out -- Acknowledgments -- Chapter-1 Soundtrack— Music Creation by Nonmusicians. Too -- How Soundtrack Works -- Hooked Up -- Storing files -- Mousin' around -- Installing Soundtrack -- Discovering Soundtrack's Interface -- Timeline -- Media M an ager -- The Menu Bar -- Edit Menu -- Project Menu Options -- View Menu -- Window Menu -- Help Menu -- Accessing, Previewing, and Choosing Loops -- Favorites -- Searching Files -- Indexing Loops -- Timeline Functions -- Video Tab -- Audio Tab -- Meters Tab -- Master Control -- Tempo Slider -- Master Volume -- Master Control Buttons -- Master View -- Getting Loops on the Timeline -- Saving Your Work -- Chapter-2 Moving Past the Basics -- Preferences -- General Tab -- Project Tab -- Recording Tab -- Editing Techniques -- Music Basics for Soundtrack Users -- Working with Loops -- Clip Speed -- Clip Properties -- Workflow -- Auditioning -- Mixing Tracks -- Inserting Effects in the Soundtrack Project -- Track Order -- Effects and Filters -- Compression -- Using Equalization -- Bandpass Filters -- Time Delay Effects -- Using Reverb -- Media Manager's Advanced Search Features -- Making the M atch -- Import/Export to Final Cut Pro -- Exporting Files -- Exporting Multiple Tracks from Soundtrack -- Saving Projects -- Chapter-3 Recording -- Recording Tools in Soundtrack -- Single Take Recording -- Multiple Take Recording -- Tagging Loops in the Loop Utility -- Getting the Best Recording -- Setting up the room -- Soundcards -- Audio Monitors -- Microphones -- Mic Placement -- Chapter-4 Soundtrack’s Loop Utility -- The Heart of Finding and Creating Loops -- Preferences -- Loop Providers -- Chapter-5 Tips. Tricks, and Techniques for Working with Looping and Soundtrack -- Editing Techniques -- Introducing the Story -- Setting Up the Composition -- Remixing -- Creating Custom Loops -- Workflow Shortcuts in Soundtrack -- Locating Lost Files -- Selecting Multiple Files/Tracks -- Viewing Multiple Tracks -- Cutting a Loop on an Offbeat -- Creating a Metronome in Soundtrack -- Getting FX to Play Past the Project File's End -- Ending Compositions -- Locking to an External Device -- Using Option + Drag -- Phattening Loops -- Shifting Keys -- Shifting Tempo -- Maintaining, Sustaining -- Creating Loops in Peak -- Sound Design -- Creating Audio for DVD Menus -- Importing Menu Loops to DVD Studio Pro -- Adding Audio to Flash -- Glossary -- Index.

Douglas Spotted Eagle

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