Stewart | Book, Text, Medium | Buch | 978-1-108-83459-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 280 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 544 g

Reihe: Cambridge Studies in Twenty-First-Century Literature and Culture


Book, Text, Medium

Cross-Sectional Reading for a Digital Age

Buch, Englisch, 280 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 544 g

Reihe: Cambridge Studies in Twenty-First-Century Literature and Culture

ISBN: 978-1-108-83459-9
Verlag: Cambridge University Press

Book, Text, Medium: Cross Sectional Reading for a Digital Age utilizes codex history, close reading, and language philosophy to assess the transformative arc between medieval books and today's e-books. It examines what happens to the reading experience in the twenty-first century when the original concept of a book is still held in the mind of a reader, if no longer in the reader's hand. Leading critic Garrett Stewart explores the play of mediation more generally, as the concept of book moves from a manufactured object to simply the language it puts into circulation. Framed by digital poetics, phonorobotics, and the rising popularity of audiobooks, this study sheds new light on both the history of reading and the negation of legible print in conceptual book art.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Prospectus; Intro\Retro; Part I. The Hold of the Codex: 1. Bibliographics; 2. Platformatics; Part II. The Grip of Inscription: 3. Reading In; 4. Reading Out; Part III. The Give of Medium: 5. Phrasing the Sayable; 6. Between Language and Text; Parting Words.

Stewart, Garrett
Garrett Stewart is James O. Freedman Professor of Letters at the University of Iowa. He has written five books each on literary analysis, art history, and film theory, most recently The One, Other, and Only Dickens (2018), Transmedium (2018), and Cinemachines (2020). Stewart was elected in 2010 to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

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