Sun / Nakao / Ohta | Hydrogen Molecular Biology and Medicine | Buch | 978-94-017-9690-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 117 Seiten, HC runder Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 3431 g

Sun / Nakao / Ohta

Hydrogen Molecular Biology and Medicine

Buch, Englisch, 117 Seiten, HC runder Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 3431 g

ISBN: 978-94-017-9690-3
Verlag: Springer Netherlands

This book provides a clearly structured introduction to hydrogen biology and medicine. Hydrogen is the one of the most abundant elements in the universe and has the simplest structure. In 2007, Japanese researchers found that the selective oxidation of hydrogen has a therapeutic effect on various diseases and injuries, sparking widespread interest in the biomedical field. In recent years, hundreds of peer-reviewed papers have been published internationally reporting the positive effects of hydrogen on many human diseases, including strokes, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and sepsis. The authors provide readers with a comprehensive overview of this subject, from its physical and chemical properties to its biological effects, as well as the problems and obstacles that exist.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Hydrogen Element and Hydrogen Gas.- Absorption and Release of Hydrogen Gas in Body.- Biological Safety of Hydrogen.- Detection Techniques for hydrogen.- Selective Anti-oxidative Effect of Hydrogen.- Therapeutic Effects of Hydrogen on Different Diseases.- Methods of Hydrogen Application.- Future Directions in Hydrogen Studies

Dr. Xuejun Sun is a professor from the Department of Diving Medicine, Second Military Medical University. He serves as the associate editor for the journal “Medical Gas Research”. His research focuses on hydrogen medicine and he has published more than 40 articles in this area.

Dr. Shigeo Ohta is a professor from Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Nippon Medical School. He is an expert in the study of mitochondria, and the founder of the hydrogen study.

Dr. Atsunori Nakao is an associate professor of Department of Emergency, Disaster and Critical Care Medicine in Hyogo College of Medicine Hospital. He serves as the associate editor for the journal “Medical Gas Research”. His research focuses in the area of gaseous molecule research and transplantation. He has published over 100 peer reviewed manuscripts in various scientific and medical journals including 2 invited reviews.

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