The Muscular System Anatomical Chart | Sonstiges | 978-1-58779-035-5 |

Sonstiges, Englisch, 1 Seiten, Chart-Laminated, Format (B × H): 508 mm x 505 mm, Gewicht: 91 g

The Muscular System Anatomical Chart

Sonstiges, Englisch, 1 Seiten, Chart-Laminated, Format (B × H): 508 mm x 505 mm, Gewicht: 91 g

ISBN: 978-1-58779-035-5

This classic chart of The Muscular System was illustrated by Peter Bachin in 1947 and continues to be one of  the most easily recognized images in medical illustration.  Every illustration is vividly colored and finely detailed.  All structures are clearly labeled. The large central illustrations show both anterior and posterior views of the male muscular system. 
Four smaller illustrations show :

the muscles of the right hand
the right half of the diaphragm
muscles of the posterior abdominal wall
muscles of the right foot. 

 Laminated and paper versions are available in English and Spanish.  Made in USA

Available in the following versions:

-   20" x 26" heavy weight  paper laminated with grommets at top corners     ISBN 9781587790355
-   20" x 26" heavy weight  paper                                                                               ISBN 9781587790362
-   19-3/4" x 26" styrene plastic - latex free                                                              ISBN 9781587796838 
-   18" x 25" 3-D PVC plastic                                                                                       ISBN 9781587790386
-   giant size 42" x 62" tear resistant lightweight plastic with grommets at top   ISBN 9781587799815
-   20" x 26" heavy weight paper laminated with grommets Spanish                   ISBN 9781587799969
-   20" x 26 heavy weight paper        Spanish                                                             ISBN 9781587799952
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