Theron / Dowden | Strategic Sustainable Procurement | Buch | 978-1-910174-24-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 142 Seiten, Format (B × H): 149 mm x 211 mm, Gewicht: 194 g

Reihe: DoShorts

Theron / Dowden

Strategic Sustainable Procurement

Law and Best Practice for the Public and Private Sectors

Buch, Englisch, 142 Seiten, Format (B × H): 149 mm x 211 mm, Gewicht: 194 g

Reihe: DoShorts

ISBN: 978-1-910174-24-1
Verlag: CRC Press

Procurement is playing an increasingly strategic role as a lever for sustainable development and social and environmental responsibility. Greater regulation on sustainable procurement in the public sector, including significant changes to the EU Directive in April 2014, are driving this change.This comprehensive guide to sustainable procurement by practising legal experts Colleen Theron and Malcolm Dowden distils key developments in EU and UK public sustainable procurement legislation, government guidance and policy; provides an introduction to sustainable procurement more broadly; provides case studies and practical examples on contractual aspects of procurement; shows you how to set up a sustainable procurement strategy; and contributes to the development of sustainable procurement policy. There is also increased emphasis on "clean" supply chains in the private sector, as best practice seeks to mesh with public sector requirements and reduce the risk that bids for public contracts might be undermined by adverse environmental impacts or social misconduct along the supply chain.Private sector companies should act now to establish best practice sustainable procurement principles to minimize the risk of litigation; several international standards are embedding the principles of sustainable procurement into their requirements.The book also offers practical examples of what sustainable procurement entails, whether the organization is bidding for public sector contracts, in need of meeting tender requirements, looking to obtain certification for a standard, or is simply seeking to improve its supply chain management and implement best practice.
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Postgraduate and Professional Practice & Development

Weitere Infos & Material

Who is this book for?What does this book do?Introduction 1. Defining key concepts2. The legislative position3. Sustainable procurement policy in the EU and UK4. Sustainable procurement: The role of standards5. Sustainable procurement: Drivers, benefits and barriers for public and private sector6. Developing the sustainable procurement strategy7. Developing a sustainable procurement policy8. The procurement process9. Practical considerations during selection and award stages10. Smart SPP11. Practical considerations and examples of the pre-qualification questionnaire, tender specification and weighting criteria12. Practical considerations for contract management13. Key issues to consider when reviewing contractsConclusionsAppendixReferences and Notes

Colleen Theron, Malcolm Dowden

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