Tschätsch | Metal Forming Practise | Buch | 978-3-642-06977-2 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 406 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 242 mm, Gewicht: 715 g


Metal Forming Practise

Processes - Machines - Tools

Buch, Englisch, 406 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 242 mm, Gewicht: 715 g

ISBN: 978-3-642-06977-2
Verlag: Springer

The book “Metal Forming”, a translation of the eighth revised edition of “Umformtechnik” in German, describes the latest technology in the sector of metal forming. Part I covers metal forming and shearing processes. It describes the main features of these processes, the tooling required and fields of application. Practical examples show how to c- culate the forces involved in forming and the strain energy. Part II describes forming machines and shows how to calculate their parameters. This section also introduces flexible manufacturing systems in metal forming and the handling systems required for automation (automatic tool changing and workpiece conveyor systems). Part III includes tables and flow diagrams with figures needed to calculate forming forces and strain energy. These production units are automated as much as possible using modern CNC engineering to reduce non-productive time and changeover time, and thus also manufacturing costs. Alo- side these economic advantages, however, another important reason for using metal working processes is their technical advantages, such as: material savings optimal grain direction work hardening with cold forming. This book runs through all the main metal forming and shearing processes and the tooling and machines they involve. Incremental sheet forming was recently added in Chapter 15.4. For engineers on the shop floor, this book is intended as an easily-navigable reference work. Students can use this book for reference, saving them time making notes in the lecture theatre so that they can pay better attention to the lecture.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Metal forming and shearing processes.- Types of manufacturing process.- Terms and parameters of metal forming.- Surface treatment.- Upset forging.- Extrusion.- Thread rolling.- Cold hubbing.- Coining (stamping).- Ironing (wall ironing).- Wire drawing.- Tube drawing.- Extrusion.- Impression-die forging (closed-die forging).- Deep drawing.- Deep drawing without a blank holder; metal spinning.- Bending.- Embossing.- Shearing.- Fine blanking (precision blanking).- Joining by forming.- Presses.- Types of press.- Hammers.- Screw presses.- Eccentric and crank presses.- Knuckle-joint and toggle presses.- Hydraulic presses.- Special-purpose presses.- Workpiece and stock feed systems.- Future developments in metal forming presses and tool changing systems.- Tables.- Technical tables.

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