Valdivia-Machuca | State and Business Groups in Mexico | Buch | 978-0-415-97405-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 302 Seiten, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 239 mm, Gewicht: 553 g

Reihe: Latin American Studies


State and Business Groups in Mexico

The Role of Informal Institutions in the Process of Industrialization, 1936-1984

Buch, Englisch, 302 Seiten, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 239 mm, Gewicht: 553 g

Reihe: Latin American Studies

ISBN: 978-0-415-97405-9
Verlag: Routledge

This book analyzes the history and structure of the intricate system of informal negotiation and secret dealings between the Mexican government and big businessmen in the process of Mexican industrialization between 1936 and 1984. In order to do this, State and Business Groups in Mexico develops a new theory about the operation of formal and informal political institutions, which is fully applicable to every other region of the world. This book is not only an essential tool for the expert in the study of social, political and economic institutions, but also a required reading for all those - experts or not - interested in learning for the first time the exact features of the secret webs that even today determine policymaking in Mexico.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part 1: Theoretical Framework 1. Understanding Institutions 2. Informal Institutions, Becoming Specific Part 2: Informal Policymaking Institutions in Mexico, 1936-1984 3. The Historical Development of the ICES 4. Institutional Change and the ICES 5. The Structure of Informality in Mexico Part 3: Empirical and Theoretical Conclusions 6. Formality, Informality, and the Mexican Experience. Appendices.

Arnulfo Valdivia-Machuca is a Jean Monnet Research Fellow at the European University Institute. He has previously published in the co-edited book Public and Private Sector Partnerships: Furthering Development. He is also a regular editorial contributor to various newspapers in Mexico.

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