van der Heijden / Haugstvedt / Coert | Management of Complications in Common Hand and Wrist Procedures | Medienkombination | 978-3-13-243603-9 |

Medienkombination, Englisch, 286 Seiten, Hardback (Perfect Binding), Format (B × H): 195 mm x 270 mm, Gewicht: 1077 g

van der Heijden / Haugstvedt / Coert

Management of Complications in Common Hand and Wrist Procedures

FESSH Instructional Course Book 2021

Medienkombination, Englisch, 286 Seiten, Hardback (Perfect Binding), Format (B × H): 195 mm x 270 mm, Gewicht: 1077 g

ISBN: 978-3-13-243603-9
Verlag: Thieme

Management of Complications in Common Hand and Wrist Procedures: FESSH Instructional Course Book 2021

Operative complications can have a major impact on patients and surgeons. While most textbooks list them, few provide in-depth discussion on prevention, repercussions, and methods to resolve them. Management of Complications in Common Hand and Wrist Procedures: FESSH Instructional Course Book 2021, edited by renowned hand surgeons Brigitte van der Heijden, Jan-Ragnar Haugstvedt, and Henk Coert, features contributions from an impressive group of international hand surgery experts.

This book provides in-depth, illustrated coverage on the prevention and management of complications that can occur during common hand and wrist approaches. It also provides insights on how meticulously performed hand therapy can help alleviate postsurgical problems, on the complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), and on critical social issues.

Key Highlights

  • Firsthand clinical pearls, evidence-based interventions, and expert opinion for preventing and resolving complications from distinguished hand surgery experts
  • The history of the catch-all term CRPS, why continued use of this term is a disservice to patients and medical progress, and an evidence-based argument on why it should be removed from the armamentarium and eventually the literature
  • Managing expectations of patients with factitious disorders, the role of informed consent in preventing medicolegal issues, and the impact of complications on surgeons and patients

This unique and insightful resource will be invaluable in the practice of plastic, orthopaedic, and trauma surgeons specializing in hand and wrist surgery.

This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on

van der Heijden / Haugstvedt / Coert Management of Complications in Common Hand and Wrist Procedures jetzt bestellen!



Weitere Infos & Material

Section 1 Tendon Surgery
1. Management of Complications of Flexor Tendon Surgery
2. Management of Complications of Extensor Tendon Surgery
3. Treatment of Complications after Surgical Management of Tenosynovitis
Section 2 Nerve Surgery
4. Management of Complications in Sensory Nerve Surgery
5. Management of Complications of Surgery of the Median, Ulnar and Radial Nerves in the Forearm
6. Management of Complications of Nerve Decompression Surgery
Section 3 Bone Surgery: Fracture
7. Management of Finger Fracture Complications
8. Management of Complications in Carpal Fractures (Malunion, Nonunion)
9. Management of Complications of Scaphoid Fracture Fixation
10. Management of complication in Lunate Facet Fracture Fixation
11. Mangement of Complications Following Open Reduction and Plate Fixation of Distal Radius Fractures
12. Management of Distal Radius Malunion
Section 4 Bone Surgery: Arthritis
13. Treatment of Complications after Surgery for Finger Joint Arthritis
14. Management of Complications of Thumb CMC Surgery: Trapeziectomy, Arthrodesis, and Total Joint Arthroplasty
15. Treatment of Complications of Midcarpal Joints Arthritis
16. Management of Complications after Salvage Procedures of the Radiocarpal and Distal Radioulnar Joint
Section 5 Ligament Surgery
17. Management of Complications of Ligament Repair of Thumb and Finger Joints
18. Treatment of Complications after Scapholunate Ligament Repair
19. Management of Complications Following Surgery to the Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex
Section 6 Soft-Tissue Surgery
20. Complications Following Treatment of Dupuytren's Disease and Their Management
21. Management of Complications in the Treatment of Fingertip Injuries
Section 7 Rehabilitation: How to Prevent and Manage Complications by Hand Therapy
22. Flexor Tendon Repair in Zone 2: Prevention and Management of Complications by Hand Therapy
23. Peripheral Nerve Surgery: Prevention and Management of Complications by Hand Therapy
24. Bone and Joint Surgery: Prevention and Management of Complications by Hand Therapy
Section 8 CRPS
25. Debunking Complex Regional Pain Syndrome/Sudeck/Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
Section 9 Social Issues
26. Managing Expectations/Factitious Disorders
27. Informed Consent/How to Prevent Medicolegal Issues
28. Complications: What They Do to the Surgeon
29. Complications: What They Do to the Patient

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