Volkmar | Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders | Buch | 978-1-4419-1697-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 3429 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 7860 g


Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Buch, Englisch, 3429 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 7860 g

ISBN: 978-1-4419-1697-6
Verlag: Springer

This major reference work breaks new ground as an electronic resource for students, educators, researchers, and professionals. Comprehensive in breath and textbook in depth, the Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders serves as a reference repository of knowledge in the field as well as a regularly updated conduit of new knowledge long before such information trickles down from research to standard textbooks. The Encyclopedia consists of 5 volumes and approximately 1,500 entries divided by the major conceptual areas of ASD and PDDs, including:

- Research trends and findings
- Behavior/speech
- Communication
- Treatments
- Education

Taking advantage of the techniques offered by the electronic medium, the Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders offers an extensive cross-referencing system facilitating search and retrieval of information.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Acquired autism.- Acuity.- Affective Development.- Agraphia.- Antigluten Therapy.- Aphasia.- Articulation.- Autistic Savants.- Behavior Plan.- Behavioral Assessment.- Birth Complications.- Body Mapping.- Boraker autism Phenotype.- Bruxism.- Capgras Syndrome.- Carnosine.- Ceiling Effect.- Circle Of Communication.- Cluster Analysis.- Consequence-Based Interventions.- Deaf-Blind.- Decoding Skills.- Dendrite.- Desensitization.- Developmental Disabilities.- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders  (DSM-IV-TR).- Diazepam.- Dichotic Listening.- Direct Instruction.- Discourse Management.- Dopamine.- Dual Diagnosis.- Dysbiosis.- Dystoria.- Early Development.- Eating Disorders.- Echolalia.- Ecological Validity.- Emergence Of Mind.- Empathy.- False-Belief Task.- Family Therapy.- Febrile Convulsions.- Feingold Diet.- Feral Children.- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.- Figurative Language.- Finger Tapping Test.- Food Intolerance.- Fragile X Syndrome.- Functional Analysis.- Gait Abnormalities.- Generative Complexity.- Handicap.- Hanen Approach.- Heavy Metals.- Hemispheric Specialization.- Heredity.- Holistic Orientation.- Integration.- Intelligence Testing.- Intelligent Testing.- Intelligence.- Quotient.- Joint Attention Deficits.- Joubert Syndrome.- Kinesthetic Sense.- Learned Helplessness.- Learning Disabilities.- Learning Styles.- Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome.- Librium.- Limbic System.- Literacy.- Meningitis.- Metabolic Testing.- Methylphenidate.- Negative Priming Effect.- Neurofibromatosis.- Neurochemistry.- Neurological Soft Signs.- Neuropsychology.- Nuclear Autism.- Observational Studies.- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.- Occupational Therapy.- Para-educator.- Paraphasia.- Parent.- Effectiveness Training.- Pedantic Speech.- Peer Relationships.- Peer Tutoring.- Perceptual Coherence.- Perceptual Development.- Perfectionistic.- Prosopagnosia.- Psychoactive Medications.- Psychobiology.- Psycholinguistics.- Psychomotor seizures.- Psychosocial.- Psychotherapy.- Public Policy Perspectives.- Reading Disorders.- Real-Life Rating Scale.- Receptive Language Disorders.- School Aged Programs.- Scoliosis.- Self Help Skills.- Seizure Disorders.- Self-Concept.- Self-Injurious Behavior.- Self-Support.- Sensory Ability.- Sensory Integration And Praxis Test.- Service-Research Interaction.- Stereotypic.-Behavior.- Stimulant Medications.- Stimulus Overselectivity.- Strabismus.- Stress.- Structured Teaching.- Stuttering.- Substantia Nigra.- Suicide.- Support Trust.- Synapses.- Syntax.- Tactile Defensiveness.- Tardive Dyskinesia.- Team Models.- Tegretol.- Tourette’s Syndrome.- Tranquilizers.- Turner Syndrome.- Visual-Motor Function.- Visual Processing.- Visual Thinking.- Vocabulary.- William Syndrome.- Word Use.- Written Language.- Writing Disorders.- X Link Dominant Inheritance.- X Link Recessive Inheritance.- XYY Syndrome.- Zygosity.

Volkmar, Fred R.
Fred R. Volkmar M.D., is the Irving B. Harris Professor of Child Psychiatry, Pediatrics, and Psychology at the Yale Child Study Center, Yale University School of Medicine. An international authority on Asperger's disorder and autism, Dr. Volkmar was the primary author of the DSM-IV autism and pervasive developmental disorders section. He has authored several hundred scientific papers and has co-edited numerous books, including Asperger Syndrome, Healthcare for Children on the Autism Spectrum: A Guide to Medical, Nutritional, and Behavioral Issues, and the recently released third edition of The Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders. He has served as associate editor of the Journal of Autism, the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and the American Journal of Psychiatry. He also serves as co-chairperson of the autism/MR committee of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Starting in March 2007 he will serve as editor of the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.

Fred R. Volkmar M.D., is the Irving B. Harris Professor of Child Psychiatry, Pediatrics, and Psychology at the Yale Child Study Center, Yale University School of Medicine. An international authority on Asperger's disorder and autism, Dr. Volkmar was the primary author of the DSM-IV autism and pervasive developmental disorders section. He has authored several hundred scientific papers and has co-edited numerous books, including Asperger Syndrome, Healthcare for Children on the Autism Spectrum: A Guide to Medical, Nutritional, and Behavioral Issues, and the recently released third edition of The Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders. He has served as associate editor of the Journal of Autism, the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and the American Journal of Psychiatry. He also serves as co-chairperson of the autism/MR committee of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Starting in March 2007 he will serve as editor of the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.

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