Vollhardt / Schore | Saplingplus for Organic Chemistry (Multi-Term Access): Structure and Function | Sonstiges | 978-1-319-17705-8 | sack.de

Sonstiges, Englisch, 1200 Seiten, Access Card, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm

Reihe: Organic Chemistry

Vollhardt / Schore

Saplingplus for Organic Chemistry (Multi-Term Access): Structure and Function

Sonstiges, Englisch, 1200 Seiten, Access Card, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm

Reihe: Organic Chemistry

ISBN: 978-1-319-17705-8
Verlag: W H FREEMAN & CO

Organic Chemistry: Structure and Function 8e maintains the classic framework with a logical organization that an organic molecule’s structure will determine its function and strengthens a focus on helping students understand reactions, mechanisms, and synthetic analysis and their practical applications.
The eighth edition presents a refined methodology, rooted in teaching expertise to promote student understanding and build problem solving skills.
Paired with SaplingPlus, students will have access to an interactive and fully mobile ebook, interactive media features and well respected Sapling tutorial style problems—Where every problem emphasizes learning with hints, targeted feedback and detailed solutions as well as a unique pedagogically focused drawing tool.
Vollhardt / Schore Saplingplus for Organic Chemistry (Multi-Term Access): Structure and Function jetzt bestellen!



Weitere Infos & Material

1. Structure and Bonding in Organic Molecules.- 2. Structure and Reactivity: Acids and Bases, Polar and Nonpolar Molecules.- 3. Reactions of Alkanes: Bond-Dissociation Energies, Radical Halogenation, and Relative Reactivity.- 4. Cycloalkanes.- 5. Stereoisomers.- 6. Properties and Reactions of Haloalkanes: Bimolecular Nucleophilic Substitution.- 7. Further Reactions of Haloalkanes: Unimolecular Substitution and Pathways of Elimination.- 8. Hydroxy of Functional Group: Alcohols: Properties, Preparation, and Strategy of Synthesis.- 9. Further Reactions of Alcohols and the Chemistry of Ethers.- 10.Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy to Deduce Structure.- 11. Alkenes: Infrared Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry.- 12. Reactions to Alkenes.- 13. Alkynes: The Carbon.- 14. Delocalized Pi Systems: Investigation by Ultraviolet and Visible Spectroscopy Interlude.- 15. Benzene and Aromaticity: Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution.- 16. Electrophilic Attack on Derivatives of Benzene: Substituents Control Regioselectivity.- 17. Aldehydes and Ketones: The Carbonyl Group.- 18. Enols, Enolates, and the Aldol Condensation: a,b-Unsaturated Aldehydes and Ketones.- 19. Carboxylic Acids.- 20. Carboxylic Acid Derivatives.- 21. Amines and Their Derivatives: Functional Groups Containing Nitrogen.- 22. Chemistry of the Benzene Substituents: Alkylbenzenes, Phenols, and Benzenamines.- 23. Ester Enolates and the Claisen Condensation: Synthesis of b-Dicarbonyl Compounds; Acyl Anion Equivalents.- 24. Carbohydrates: Polyfunctional Compounds in Nature.- 25. Heterocycles: Heteroatoms in Cyclic Organic Compounds.- 26. Amino Acids, Peptides, Proteins, and Nucleic Acids: Nitrogen-Containing Polymers in Nature.

K. Peter C. Vollhardt - got his Ph.D. with Professor Peter Garratt at the University College, London, and was a postdoctoral fellow with Professor Bob Bergman (then) at the California Institute of Technology. He moved to Berkeley in 1974 when he began his efforts toward the development of organocobalt reagents in organic synthesis, the preparation of theoretically interesting hydrocarbons and the assembly of novel transition metal arrays with potential in catalysis. He is the current Chief Editor of Synlett. Among his more than 350 publications, he treasures especially this textbook in organic chemistry, translated into 13 languages.
Neil Schore - He first met co-author Peter Vollhardt in the 1970s when they both were doing postdoctoral work in Professor Robert Bergman's laboratory at Cal Tech. Since joining the UC-Davis faculty in 1976, Schore has taught organic chemistry to more than 15,000 nonchemistry majors, winning seven teaching awards and publishing over 100 papers in various areas related to organic chemistry.

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