Wehling | Principles of Translational Science in Medicine | Buch | 978-0-12-820493-1 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 494 Seiten, Format (B × H): 218 mm x 285 mm, Gewicht: 1590 g


Principles of Translational Science in Medicine

From Bench to Bedside

Buch, Englisch, 494 Seiten, Format (B × H): 218 mm x 285 mm, Gewicht: 1590 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-820493-1
Verlag: Elsevier Science

Principles of Translational Science in Medicine: From Bench to Bedside, Third Edition, provides an update on major achievements in the translation of research into medically relevant results and therapeutics. The book presents a thorough discussion of biomarkers, early human trials, and networking models, and includes institutional and industrial support systems. It also covers algorithms that have influenced all major areas of biomedical research in recent years, resulting in an increasing number of new chemical/biological entities (NCEs or NBEs) as shown in FDA statistics.

New chapters include: Translation in Oncology, Biologicals, and Orphan Drugs. The book is ideal for use as a guide for biomedical scientists to establish a systematic approach to translational medicine and is written by worldwide experts in their respective fields.
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All biomedical researchers from preclinical to clinical scientists need to understand and apply translational science in medicine, which applies to scientists in pharmaceutical industry though almost all principles are applicable to device development. Additionally, academic researchers will need the book, as well.
Most major universities offer courses, programs (e.g. master programs) in translational medicine for which the book is ideal as the basic teaching material. It is currently used in courses on pharmaceutical medicine e.g. at Basle University.


Weitere Infos & Material

Part I: Introduction 1.�Introduction and definitions 2.�Problems, challenges, and initiatives in translation Part II. Target identification and validation 3.�"Omics� translation: a challenge for laboratory medicine 4.�The power of genomics, metabolomics, and other omics for target identification and validation 5.�Potency analysis of cellular therapies: the role of molecular assays 6.�Translational pharmacogenetics: pharmacogenetically driven clinical decision making 7.�Tissue biobanks 8.�Animal models: value and translational potency 9.�Biomarkers in the context of health authorities and consortia 10.�Human studies as a source of target information 11.�Target profiling in terms of translatability and early translation planning Part III. Biomarkers as key elements of successful translation 12.�Biomarkers 13.�Genetics, molecular biomarkers, and artificial intelligence to improve diagnostic and prognostic efficacy 14.�Cardiovascular translational biomarkers: translational aspects of hypertension, atherosclerosis, and heart failure in drug development in the digital era 15.�Biomarkers in oncology 16.�Translational medicine in psychiatry: challenges and imaging biomarkers Part IV: Early clinical trial design 17.�Methodological studies 18.�The pharmaceutical research and development productivity crisis: can exploratory clinical studies be of any help? 19.�Adaptive trial design 20.�Combining regulatory and exploratory trials 21.�Accelerating proof of concept by smart early clinical trials Part V: Toxicology in translation 22.�Pharmaceutical toxicology 23.�Translational safety medicine Part VI: Special topics in translation 24.�Cancer vaccines: translational strategies 25.�Translational aspects of biologicals: monoclonal antibodies and antibody-drug conjugates as examples 26.�Orphan drugs: why is translation so successful? Part VII: Biostatistics and modelling 27.�Translational science biostatistics 28.�Computational biology and model-based approaches in translational medicine Part VIII. Legal aspects and special interest groups 29.�Intellectual property and innovation in translational medicine 30.�Translational research in the fastest-growing population: older adults Part IX. Integration and application of translational guidance 31.�Translational medicine: the changing role of big pharma 32.�Translational science in medicine: putting the pieces together-biomarkers, early human trials, networking, and translatability assessment 33.�Learning by experience

Wehling, Martin
Martin Wehling is the Managing Director at the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology. Martin Wehling is Director in Clinical Pharmacology at Mannheim Medical Faculty, Mannheim University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany.

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