Whittaker | PFI PPP Financial Modelling and Analysis - A practical guide | Buch | 978-1-84374-754-3 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 179 Seiten


PFI PPP Financial Modelling and Analysis - A practical guide

Buch, Englisch, 179 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-84374-754-3
Verlag: Euromoney

This book is a practical guide for those wishing to gain further skills and knowledge in this topical area not only in the UK, but all around the world. It will be of particular interest to investment banks, project sponsors, consultants and players within the PFI/PPP market place. You may be a financial director, a financial controller, a financial analyst, financial modeller, investment banker or a general manager working in the PFI/PPP sector. It covers financial modelling and analysis at the bid or financial close stage, the post financial close stage and other areas such as refinancing and secondary markets. Essentially, this book equips its readers with the skills and knowledge to derive maximum financial value over the life of the concession. It includes over 100 practical examples of excel financial model extracts and VBA/macro code. The reader will complete financial modelling and analysis exercises that will lead up to the completion of 3 different financial models. It is provides an excellent source for self-study which cannot be obtained from training courses and on the job experience alone thus making this book fantastic value for money.

Other topics of interest include financial modelling best practice, IFRS, financial model audits and reviews, project management and the use of generic and template financial models.
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